This post is sort of a report for the help I got from BrunsNick. Thanks for the help Nick I do appreciate it a lot.
I originally wanted to do an experiment on my SlayR. I was thinking about another drilling for it to tame it down. On the advice of my pro shop guys. I was told to save my money on re-drilling it. They suggested that I keep the current drilling and take the cover down to 600 or so. In OOB it was quite the hook monster for me due to my slow ball speed.
Well I took the experiment to the lanes. The conditions were not good. Dry heads with some track down. I threw the first shot with my HDB drilled the 2-4 with the ball. THIS will be a good test. Pulled the SlayR and threw the same line... wham hit the 3-6. Few adjustments and hit the hole pretty regular with a few (4 in a row STONE 8 pins). Final note: experiment a success... Toned it down and made it much more controllable...
My first thoughts were is this guy nuts... dull it down??? Maybe a little Delayed Reaction on it might help too... Anyways thanks for the help Nick I liked your advice better, but this works also so I thought I would share it with all you troubled souls with hooking SlayR's... It might be an option for you also...
Proud Member of F.O.S. (joined 4-19-2005)
Shhhhhh... Not while I'm sharpening my SAW!
Some days the Elevator, Some days the SHAFT!
I don't care HOW much hand you think you have... No one brings it back from inside the DITCH!