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Author Topic: Monster  (Read 3301 times)


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« on: November 19, 2004, 09:01:23 AM »
Brand new bowler here so bare with me...

okay went to a pro shop today to get my first ball, told him what I wanted and he pulled out a Brunswick Monster in  black/red. Very sexy looking ball I must say. After he measured my fingers he went off and finger-tip drilled it, came back and gave me a free lesson in how to hook (been bowling straight beforehand)

Now my question.... What do i need to do to keep this ball in tip top condition. I've got some polish that the guy gave me, but he didn't say how often I should polish it... I;ve also read about "baking" but assuming i won;t have to look into that for a good long while yet!!

Also went to a different lane this afternoon, and the ball return machine decided to have a chew on my brand new ball, leaving two marks ont he coverstock. Is this going to change the performance at all?

Please excuse the complete newbie...



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Re: Monster
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2004, 02:03:49 PM »
Zoen.. Newbie here too.. I have a brand new Proactive  Power Groove.. Only 24 games on it so far.. It will get marked.. lol and yes the ball return will take it's hits on it... I use LIQUID NITRO on mine after every session...
so far I haven't noticed any difference in my ball.. still performing well... long as I get a smooth release.. and hit my marks.  The pro at my house told me it would be a good thing to get it resurfaced like twice a year... I've read where some say after every 75 or so games... But the mane thing I was told is just keep cleaning it up after every use.. get oil and belt marks and stuff off of it... I'd say look around in here and on some other sites.. I know from being here these guys seem to really know what they talking about..
hope this helped you in some way... GOOD LUCK..
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Re: Monster
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2004, 02:25:42 PM »
RedNeckRoller got it right on. Keep it clean. I suggest using stuff called Simple Green, it works just as well as any ball cleaner, and its much cheaper and you get more of it. Also, a normal towel is ok, but a microfiber towel works much better. As for the resurfacing, most people dont resurface until the ball really needs it, when it loses its hook. (to a degree, MOST balls hook less after a bit of use) Clean it after every 3 or so games, and you should be ok. I personally wipe the ball after every shot, or before my next one, and also after I'm done bowling.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!


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Re: Monster
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2004, 05:14:59 AM »
Yes.. I have head lots of people talk about simple green.. Liquid Nitro is expensive.. 10.00 for a 6oz. bottle.. there is a site where I did see it for 5.95.. but still not allot for the money.. Simple Green is what I'm going to go with next when the Nitro is all...  GOOD LUCK.. oh yeah.. if you want that other site addy..
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Re: Monster
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2004, 06:32:51 AM »
Redneck and Zeon,

$10 for a 6 oz ball is not unreasonable. YOu only need a very small amount to clean a ball after use. Remember, during use, you'll be (or you should be) wiping it with a microfiber towel (cheap and perfect for bowling) and each frame. So, after bowling is over, you really won't be using the cleaner to wipe off oil, but to clean off dirt. I'd guess you'd use to moisten maybe a 1" circle of a towel with whatever liquid you choose twice to clean one ball. That isn't very much.

2nd item:
Zeon's ball is a pearl; it absorbs oil and wears much slower than Redneck's dull particle solid ball. Oil on a pearl will wipe off quicker because it absorbs at an apparently slower rate AND is used on much less oil than a dull solid, which absorbs oil much quicker and is subject to much higher concentrations of oil.

So, Redneck, I can only suggest wiping your ball off as quickly as possible.
And, Brunswick has stated that re-surfacing AND oil removal may be necessary as often as every 30-60 games for a dull particle, while resin pearls, like the Red/Black Monster, may need oil extraction every 90+ games.

Zeon, Treasure that Red/Black Monster; it's a rare find and a great performing ball. Hits VERY hard for an inexpensive ball. They are discontinued and no longer available. Some of us have been searching for them for a long time.

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Re: Monster
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2004, 04:28:05 AM »
Thanks for the advice!! I've been wiping it down after every frame, and then using Storm "reacta clean" when I get home


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Re: Monster
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2004, 05:06:08 PM »
I believe that was the only monster he had


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Re: Monster
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2004, 10:12:42 PM »
The Brunswick distributor here in oz has Red/Blacks in 16, want me to hunt up their e-mail address for u Nick?
EVERYONE wants some of this!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Monster
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2004, 01:38:14 AM »
Nick, I thought you had located one of these already?  Or are you trying to build a stash?
It's kind of hard to read the lanes if you don't know their language...