Hey everyone,
I'm just about to get a used Inferno from a user on here and I'm wondering whether or not I can drill it to be my carrydown ball. Now don't get me wrong, I realize that pearl reactives and carrydown are usually not a good match for one another. However, with the Inferno being as strong as it is I was wondering if I could drill it for when the heads are going but there is still some oil down the lane. I already have a Black Cherry Bomb for when the oil is long and heavy from foul line to pin deck, now I just need a ball that will recover when my pearl cherry bomb can't cut through the oil at the backend but the Black cherry is burning up too early. Is there a combo of drilling and prep that will allow me to do this with an Inferno? You can check my profile, but I am RH with above average speed. I can stroke the ball with little to no revs or I can crank it up and put a pretty good amount of hand into it, so there's some versatility there. I've seen the Inferno do some great things for some people, and I'm wondering whether or not I can make it work also. If you guys don't think that I can get it to work in the way that I'm describing, I may just sell or trade it for something that can. Any and all help is appreciated!
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?