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Author Topic: My *Radical* Adventure  (Read 2787 times)


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My *Radical* Adventure
« on: August 30, 2006, 01:31:57 PM »
So I finally got my Radical Inferno and wow! Its not what i expected it to be. No its not all backend like i thought it was going to be and i have it drilled 5-5 1/2" from PAP above the fingers. Placed the CG so it has approx 3/4pos side and 1/4-1/2 thumb weight. No weight hole. Well it does read the lane a little eariler then my Red Zone but backend isnt as strong. So I had it sanded a lil more to see mid lane hook and less backend but at least it moves now. I get alot of Revs on the ball and able to get it far down the lane it just sometimes doesnt hook back. I dont know I wanted a insanily strong backend ball but its not it. Disappointment by brunswick. I might get rid of it with truely 3 games on it. But Ill play with the coverstock a lil more before its on ebay. Ill put up a video soon.



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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 12:39:58 AM »
It looks like this ball is either very condition specific, or only caters to certain style bowlers.  I for one couldnt make it move any more than my Equation, so I sold it to my friend to cover the cost of drilling.  My first experience with  Brusnwick wasnt a good one.  Maybe I'll get something more proven from them later, like a Red Zone or Smokin.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

Action Max
Track Equation
Spare Ball

Radical Inferno
Hammer Raw Pain
(Which of these should I put in between my Max and Equation?!?!)

Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)

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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 01:15:39 AM »
Yea, when I first got this ball I made a post about how it's not very strong.  I am thinking it would be good for a medium-light shot...maybe.  I am not happy with mine either, as Noy also knows.

I am taking mine to the pro shop to have it resurfaced based on the sheet that Brunswick provided.  Well I am right now...but I might just dump it on eBay and call it a loss.

I figured it would be good for me, because it would get down the lane, and have good movement on the back end...but basically it just gets down the lane...

I bowl on a THS, and I figured this ball would be great for the medium volume of oil, but I should have gone with the Red Zone or something else.

Oh well...another $210 wasted on another dissapointment.

Nothing matches up to my game....


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 01:43:44 AM »
Sort of reminds me of the turd of a ball the Smokin was. A bit better IMO though but, not something I would urge people to go out and buy. For A light/medium ball it is OK I suppose???


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2006, 03:11:54 AM »
Yepp...light/medium it is.  I remember a couple weeks ago when I was contemplating an arsenal and everyone thought I was outrageous for putting the Radical in the Light/Med spot.
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please

Action Max
Track Equation
Spare Ball

Hammer Raw Pain

Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2006, 05:42:56 AM »
Ya i really get alot on my ball and I realized last night throwing it i had to slow down so much and by that time it was reading mid lane and starting to hook back to early. So I moved left and threw faster and the ball got down the lane like a champ but never fliped hard to the pocket. So 2 games later and I still couldnt play a decent shot. Picked up the Red Zone and found a spot which was deeper and moderate speed and shot 250+ with it. Im goin to give this ball a chance I wanted it so bad but now its just so not $Money$


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2006, 09:37:47 AM »
Wow every saying this ball doesnt flip. This ball is a backend monster for me and I throw at 18-18.5 mph. This ball doesnt do well with carrydown but even in a decent amount of oil its has a nice reaction but I guess that cuz I have alot of wrist. Now its not a scorchin..... I can play my scorchin from gutter to gutter but not my radical. Try moving right(for right-handed bowlers), that worked for me. Now my radical goes longer than anything I have its drilled very aggressive. If yo have it drilled to go long that might be the reason you having a problem.
Scorchin' Inferno
Radical Inferno
Vapor Zone
Smokin' Inferno(Soon to come)
Brunswick High Intensity Spare Ball


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2006, 10:22:01 AM »
Mine is laid out with the pin over the ring finger slightly abouve the grip and the CG kicked very slightly(75 degree). I ended up with the ending side at close to 7/8 positive and went ahead and added a very small weight hole(21/32) on the axis to make it closer to 1/2 pos side.

I hit mine with a larger weight hole (27/32) on the axis taking it down to 1/4 side and took the surface down to 500 abralon, then 1000 abralon, and then back up to 2000 abralon. This gives me a look similar to what my Vapor Zone looked like out of the box. Strong, but still very smooth. I may take it back to 4000 abralon to eliminate some arsenal overlap and eliminate the early read from the hole on the axis. I am anxious to see what the back end read will be like as I anticipate it being stronger because of the stored energy.

I agree with BrunsRich. I took the factory polish off and hit it with a weight hole and it was like purchasing a different ball. Even though the hole is on the axis, the flares are more separated and the ball reads better instead of the push-push-push it did in box finish.

Don't be afraid to change the surface on these balls to suit your arsenal/game. You will be glad you did.

"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2006, 12:26:46 PM »
I keep going back and forth with selling it or resurfacing it.  I have decided to resurface due to the fact that if I sell it..I might get like $50 or $60 for it...if I pay the $5 to have it resurfaced...I might actually like it....and the $50 or $60 is not really worth it to me.

Dyno-Thane (for now)


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Re: My *Radical* Adventure
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2006, 03:29:06 PM »
well i took off the factory polish with a gray pad but i might try what BrunsRich and BigMike say. I dont have a weight hole and i dont know where to put it. My driller said i dont need one and i trusted him b/c he knows what he's doin but if u say i do and ill believe u only b/c u work for brunswick and something has to work for me. Thanks for everything! and all the input ill post pics asap! I already have a video of my Red Zone in action which is pure money!