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Author Topic: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!  (Read 1631 times)


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My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« on: April 03, 2005, 03:35:29 PM »
Like the title says... I'm stoked about this. Actually, I'm super stoked.

Here's the deal.
I have an Absolute which totally OWNS on anything from med-dry to med-heavy when the lanes are fresh, but I can't get it to handle carrydown with my style and drilling. So I needed something to smooth out the reaction I get with the carrydown. I was thinking a Raging or an Impulse because they're particle, and I have gathered that smoothing out carrydown reactions is one of the things that particle balls do well. However, I got an offer to trade for get a single drill Ultimate and jumped at it. I think a dull solid reactive will be good enough for my carrydown situation. If the Ultimate does what I want it to, great. If it does something else but is good for what it does, fine. And if I can't make it fit in for anything, I'll trade it for an Impulse or Raging or something. Any way you cut it I win. No out of pocket $$$. And I'll definitely get something out of the deal.
I think it will work fine for what I need though.

Ben W.

Edited on 4/3/2005 11:52 PM

Edited on 4/4/2005 0:37 AM



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Re: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2005, 12:00:23 AM »
No thoughts?...
Any comments would be genuinely appreciated.

I guess it is pretty late.
*watches tumbleweeds for an hour or two*
Ben W.

Edited on 4/4/2005 1:34 AM


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Re: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2005, 01:38:48 PM »
Thanks! Anyone else have a comment?

Ben W.

Edited on 4/4/2005 8:05 PM


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Re: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2005, 08:12:06 PM »

Ben W.


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Re: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2005, 10:43:28 PM »

  The U.I. is a strong, early rolling ball. I have it and an impulse and I polished the U.I. heavily and the impulse lightly. The U.I. still reads the oil stronger than the impulse.

  My U.I. is drilled pin above ring, cg out positive with a weighthole in the thumb quadrant. Ball has 1/2 finger and 3/8 side.  In it's polished condition it gets through the heads clean until they burn out, and makes a HARD turn on the backends, even with some carrydown ( actually, I prefer a bit of carrydown with this ball.

  If you want it smooth, use a drilling with the pin closer to your pap to reduce the flare and start it rolling a bit sooner, but be warned, this ball is an oiler and starts pretty early when dull.  My impulse is somewhere between my U.I. and my O.I. .  A bit stronger than the O.I. with a smoother read of the breakpoint, but not as strong as the U.I.
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Re: My Ultimate is coming in tuesday, and I am super stoked!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2005, 10:49:02 PM »
This is good stuff. Anyone else?...

Ben W.