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Author Topic: Ambush..  (Read 3045 times)


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« on: July 07, 2006, 02:56:40 PM »
hmm.. recently i sanded this ball lightly - by hand with a 800 scotchbrite pad. The results I am getting from this is just horrible. The ball is not hooking and it is reading the lane wayy to early. Any ideas on how I can get it back, or this ball is going out of the bag - totally.

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"



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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2006, 10:58:29 PM »
do the smart thing, POLISH it back up.

how is it drilled? its def. rolling out
amf300, all the way!


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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2006, 11:00:26 PM »
well its drilled straight up - no weight hole - pin just a bit above ring - kicked to the right a bit. i loved the ball - and it was a great spare shooting ball. i probably will just toss this ball to the side, because my track heat has been doing it for me.. i'll try and polish and see if i like that outcome, but if not - bye ambush..

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2006, 12:13:42 AM »
you are silly and make no sense if because you sand a ball down and don't like it you should throw it out of the bag.  What are you looking for the ball to do, just be a miracle strike ball.  Balls are made to roll for based on their makeup of core/cover and are best suited for certain lane conditions and certain players.  If you were using it for spares, as your signature says, why did you sand it anyways?  Great idea to use a particle ball as a spare ball, you must be one hell of a spare shooter.  If the ball is checking up than polish it, is that too hard? Good luck.


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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2006, 12:54:29 AM »
lol dam man - i didn't need some snoody rude comment like that. I have had it sanded before and it worked just fine. I have put 250+ games on it - and thought it may have been that reason. Just another ball has been working better. Like i said, i will polish the ball, and see what happens.and who cares on how i use my spare balls? I don't need to waste money on a spare ball that will do me nothing but just sit there the whole time.

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2006, 01:07:14 AM »
i'll see what i can do..

to the spare comment: I got this ball for free, NIB, from a tournament that I joined, get a free nemesis, or ambush, picked the ambush.. I didn't like it too well on the backend, because it wasn't what i was looking for.. So i decided to do all of my spares with it.. I hate throwing straight balls or balls that dont hook because i have no use for them. I just pick up most of my spares with this ball.. + it hits like a pillow - and i throw 17mph..

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2006, 09:21:06 PM »
im 15 - but really have no use for a spare ball..
-edit - on sport, i averaged 189 for this season, 4 weeks left, highest game  279 on a flood.

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.

Edited on 7/8/2006 9:18 PM
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2006, 09:58:27 PM »
Hi, I got my Ambush about a month ago for a specific condition:  Medium to heavy oil with carrydown.  This lightly loaded particle pearl ball does a better job than anything I have on these conditions, and it also plays well on a medium-heavy longer pattern.  On a short pattern, or with too dry backends it overhooks for me and rolls out.  I have it drilled pin under ring 3-3/8 inches from pap so it will hook on carrydown.

Brunswick recommends sanding the ball to 400 grit and then using Brunswick's Factory Finish High Gloss Polish to bring it back to out of box specs. Even with this polished factory finish it is a great hooking ball due to the light particle load.

ps: I am 44 years old, not too old to make a change if it will improve my game and average, and ultimately my enjoyment of bowling.

I recently got a 14 lb target zone drilled straight up with a thumb insert and finger tip grips for throwing spares.  All my other equipment is 15 lbs.  I now throw spares with a straight ball (straight hand.  I learned this from video by Fred Borden and Jeri Edwards.  Look at the pros, most will shoot spares with straight ball, hard plastic ball.  If I need to pick up cluster, like three pins or more, then I will throw consistant hooking ball as I get a little more action here.  But to pick up singles like 7 or 10, or 5 or 6 or 4, or two pins together, nothing beats a straight ball for accuracy. It took me a few months to get good at this.  Sometimes I will practice just shooting corner pins on first ball with straight ball.  Don't worry about your scores when doing this.  It can even be fun to pick out corners and see how low you can score.  The lower the score the better you did.  You are young enough to try this and make it work.  It has improved my average and confidence immensely.  The video I think is now at Dunham's sporting goods and marketed under Ebonite banner. Also, if you encounter severely dry lanes you can throw the Target Zone with hook for first ball and keep it in play, when your opponents struggle with their big hook equipment.

Good luck,


Edited on 7/8/2006 9:59 PM


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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2006, 10:11:18 PM »
see i agree with you marker, i get more of an advantage of a ball hooking just adjusting my line. if i leave three, i have more of a chance hitting it with a hooking ball than with a straight ball. also i get a better advantage hooking the ball for 7's and 10's.. i throw it the same as my first ball, just adjusting the line. people think not using a straight ball is crazy, but in the end its the bowler and not the ball.. people judge things just because of age - and thats not true.

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2006, 10:27:38 PM »
If you can make 90 percent or better of singles with a hooking ball then you are doing fine.  For me, I have improved on singles with the straight ball, as the release, lane conditions, etc. don't affect my delivery.  I use the target system for spares.   3, 6, 9 boards to right, and 4,8 12 boards to left. You can do this also with a mild or consistant hooking ball.  You might laugh, but before I got my Target Zone, I threw all my spares with a Columbia Action.  This is a heavy oil ball, but it rolls so consitantly that I was better at making spares with this than some of my weaker balls that
could be over under.  

If you take the Ambush back to factory condition, I think you will really like it on carrydown.  If everyone around you can't get a  ball reaction because nothing seems to move and lanes seem heavy, sometimes the house shortcuts by not stripping backs and putting a lot of fresh head oil down. The Ambush will shine here.  I use a direct line in this case.  Right foot at 3, target 7-8, get behind ball.  This thing makes nice smooth arc to pocket, not a lot of backend, so it is predictable.  But I have to use direct line, because if I swing it it will not come back due to nature of ball, lane conditions, and my lack of revs.



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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2006, 10:36:52 PM »
just a question marker, are you a lefty or a righty. you sound like a righty, but not sure. i just didn't like the results for being it a first, so i decided to make the ambush a spare. - i may really polish this ball up so i can get as little as a reaction possible.

Mean Machine (heavy oil)
Machine (medium oil)
Desert Heat (light oil)
Ambush (used for spares - any condition)

Join the revolution.
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: Ambush..
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2006, 10:56:12 PM »
I am a right hander. I think I had put this in my profile a while back. The Ambush will give you a lot of pin action in out of box finish-Key is on right lane conditions.  If it rolls out you will have a hard time with over-under. Hit right side of pocket on one ball, go brooklyn on next.  Plus, pocket hits may result in splits or leaving corner pins.  With enough head oil and some carrydown, I had six games in a row between 2 houses where I averaged 196, and the scores were really consistant, not a big swing in scores. Then I went to same house a week later, and first game with Ambush was 155. I put it away and used Action to bowl 222, 188 then Absolute Inferno for 214 and 204.  Wrong lane conditions for Ambush that night. If you find yourself having to throw this ball too hard or it hits weak, time to put back in bag.   I had one strike where one pin was still spinning like mad on lane when sweeper came down.  Great ball but only for right conditions.
