Nation....had a unusual experience this weekend with my Fire Quantum during a senior bowling event. Pulled out my new fire which had been sitting on my shelves to use on a lightly oiled condition and was amzed to see it go about 3/4 down the lane and hooking and then it stopped and straightened out. The reaction was like a ball with thumb weight....hook then set.
I couldn't get my normal pin out can with a 2" pin so the proshop drilled it pin over bridge and cg under the ring first I thought the ball must have thumb weight somehow but turned out it didn" recommendation was it wasn't the right ball for that lane condition..perhaps true but I would like to use the ball but would like some advice how to fix it.
REDRILL?? if so how?? Rework the coverstock?? if so, how?? Also have the Monster Slayer drilled the same way and haven't been happy with the reaction that I"m getting with that one either. Thanks for your time and advice. Dr "C"