Welcome back to bowling. The numbers are used to figure out how the bowling ball will motion on the lane. The first number is how soon the ball will start rolling on the lane, like 45 Degrees with a min of 10 and max of 90. The second number is the distance between the locator pin and your Positive Axis Point, PAP, which is how much the ball will flare, like 5". And, the third number is how soon the ball will transition down the lane, like 60 with a min of 20 and max of 70. So, if the sum of the angles is small, then the ball will get into an early roll and strong hook in the backend part of the lane. And using a larger angle sum, the ball will start rolling later with less hook in the backend. Here is the link for the whole article :
https://www.buddiesproshop.com/114/Mo_Pinel_Dual_Angle_Layout_Technique.htm from the Morich website. Also, Putting a flare increasing hole in your Copperhead could help it to hook more with the polished surface, or maybe even taking the polish off by using a 4000 grit Abralon pad. With the new C-System 3.5, I would suggest reading the reviews from the website:
http://www.ballreviews.com/Reviews/Reviews.asp?ManufacterID=2&BallID=1033 and see how people are drilling them. Drilling the ball depends on what you are looking to do with the new C-System 3.5. This ball is really strong from reading the reviews, and has a good amount of backend reaction. Here is another website that lists the more common drilling techniques for the C-System 3.5 :
http://www.bowlingball.com/brunswick-c-system-3-5-bowling-ball.html#tab6 from the bowlingball.com website. And finally, I would check out the brunswick website to see a video and get their layout sheet at :
http://www.brunswickbowling.com/csystem-3.5 .
Brunswick user and supporter. Go Big B!