Thanks for the replies. Being able now to find the CG
I think the ball is similar to 2L and acts like it, and im happy with the ball. The reason I asked is when i got it I also got a Storm Trifecta, that I wanted drilled to roll early and arc. However they drilled the Trifecta stacked leverage to also go long with a sharp break... So I wanted to make sure they atleast did the SI the way I asked. So now I need to decide what to do.
I can polish up the Trifecta and go with the skid/snap and see if its strong enough to handle heavier oil and carry down with the SI cant.
Get the ball plugged and redrilled for what I wanted it for.
Somone offered me a strait up trade for thier Shock and Awe.
Or lastly I can get rid of it and pick up either the Ultimate or Scorchin to compliment the SI.
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
thanks again,
Edited on 2/4/2006 8:48 AM