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Author Topic: need heavy oil ball  (Read 2062 times)


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need heavy oil ball
« on: September 16, 2003, 09:18:17 AM »
As you can tell from my profile, I'm currently lacking a heavy oil ball. I don't need anything really extreme as most of the time my SmashR can handle the oil I run in to.  However, having a higher-end particle ball would definitely give me more options, especially if I could throw it on the medium/heavy oil as well.

I'm kind of partial to Brunswick or Ebonite as I really like my SmashR and Vortex, but I'd consider others as well.

Here's the primary balls I'm considering:
Brunswick Raging Inferno
Ebonite V2 Particle

Others that could fit the bill:
Brunswick Swamp Monster (might need to be polished a bit??)
Ebonite V2 Strong
Ebonite Apex Obsession

I'm not in any big hurry as I probably won't buy anything for a month or two yet.
Right now, I'm just trying to learn as much as I can so I can make a somewhat informed decision when I do get around to it.  I would appreciate any feedback or advice concerning these balls as well as other recommendations.


Saw Mill

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Re: need heavy oil ball
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2003, 12:25:08 AM »
Super Carbide Bomb or Black Cherry Bomb would be my choices, in that order.  Our profiles are similar, and I love my SCB, and am planning to get the BCB soon.  The SCB is HEAVY, whgile the BCB is Medium to medium/heavy.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!

Edited on 9/17/2003 0:35 AM


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Re: need heavy oil ball
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2003, 12:59:18 AM »
I wasn't impressed with the V2 particle as an oiler.  Raging Inferno and V2 Strong would be my picks from your choices.
Penn State Proud ......THB with loft

The bowler (term used very lightly) formerly known as Strider


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Re: need heavy oil ball
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2003, 12:43:06 PM »
My personal opinion is that there is no such thing as a heavy oil ball. I've seen so many people with their "buzzsaws" (super carbide) Icon300, Hammer vicious particle. They all seem to get screwed in heavy oil and just keep sliding. Yes I realize this is an unpopular belief. enough said!

I would recommend the Cherry bomb but the Red not black(haven't seen the black to recommend it) or something I just got which is the Storm X-factor Reloaded (pearl particle). I just think that most people benefit from "saved energy" even when on saturated lanes. More so the X-factor reloaded, because it can be played out to dry or kept inside for a tighter line.


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Re: need heavy oil ball
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2003, 05:57:33 PM »
I still like my WOW. The price is nice, and still works like new to this day. I bought it when they 1st came out.
