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Author Topic: Need help with new arsenal  (Read 8143 times)


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Need help with new arsenal
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:25:04 PM »
well the fiance has spoken and i had to get rid of some equipment if i wanted to get some new toys... i have sold most of them forcing me to use whats left obviously.  One of those balls was a damage and man i forgot how much i have enjoyed throwing a brunswick ball. In saying that ive been looking to make a BIG B arsenal and here is what i have:

Mastermind for the fresh
Melee for my benchmark
Ringer platinum for a later block something i can just stand left and throw it right

I feel like i know its only three balls but should there be a ball between the mastermind and melee? if so what and i would even be willing to venture into DV8 i like the look of the nightmare balls but which one could fill the void im looking at. 

Or maybe the these three are that good that they fill those gaps themselves with diff hand positions and rolls. 

Bowling our city tournament Dec 14th so time is winding down PLEASE HELP ME!



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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2013, 03:39:25 PM »

The strong suit of the Melee is that you know where it's going.  The other night when the outside of about 15 was torched I could still stay in the area everyone (with their pearl reactives) had vacated.  I still followed the shot inward, but everyone else would have killed to have played where I did and still have the carry I had.  I would have had to open up the angles much more with my Platinum Ringer.

So what I've seen so far is correct and the Melee is a step down from the Ringer?
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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2013, 03:46:50 PM »
The Melee should not be a step down from the Ringer.  Even looking at Brunswick's site comparing the 2 balls, the Melee is more cover heavy, has a higher hook rating, reads earlier, and is less angular. 

Now is it possible for the Ringer to be drilled to be similar to the Melee?  Sure.  But, it would have to be drilled stronger and there would likely be some surface changes involved.
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2013, 04:32:19 PM »
Have you thrown both? There is nothing early about the Melee. It is a lot cleaner/longer then the Platinum. After watching br canadas video I almost didn't drill the Melee. I decided to drill it to be earlier in hopes of keeping it from being too long. I am glad I did. Just curious on others opinions who have thrown both.
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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2013, 05:33:35 PM »
Have you thrown both? There is nothing early about the Melee. It is a lot cleaner/longer then the Platinum. After watching br canadas video I almost didn't drill the Melee. I decided to drill it to be earlier in hopes of keeping it from being too long. I am glad I did. Just curious on others opinions who have thrown both.

I threw both since the Big B, Radical, and DV8 seminar was in town... Same layout, no way to tell if the surface had been fudged with...

On a somewhat "burnt up" 41' house shot the Melee required me to be deeper at the arrows when compared with the Platinum Ringer.  Length is a little tougher for me to judge, and I certainly wasn't paying close attention with the thought that I'd quizzed on the ball reaction later.

That being said... The Dude played a very similar line to the Platinum Ringer in this specific environment, but I had more area for success with it.


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2013, 05:53:00 PM »
No quiz just not helpful when you don't remember much about what you threw and then refer back to what you read off of the site. The Dude appears to be a lot more ball on the backend then the Platinum and Melee from those who went to the demo and tried all three.

I will have a better idea Tuesday when I can get more games on the Melee just curious what those currently throwing both were experiencing.

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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2013, 06:10:36 PM »
No quiz just not helpful when you don't remember much about what you threw and then refer back to what you read off of the site. The Dude appears to be a lot more ball on the backend then the Platinum and Melee from those who went to the demo and tried all three.

I will have a better idea Tuesday when I can get more games on the Melee just curious what those currently throwing both were experiencing.


Let me make myself clear... I know that in this specific situation the Melee was covering more boards than the Platinum Ringer and Dude... I am NOT regurgitating info from websites, press releases, or videos.

Please note I did qualify my experience with a remark that I couldn't be sure that these pieces were OOB, but they didn't appear to be heavily altered from that baseline... I.E. in the case with the 4 demo day Melees no one of the 4 appeared significantly different than the other. I was also using the 14# demo balls which, in my experience, don't see as much usage as the 15# equipment.

Your mileage may vary...


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2013, 06:29:41 PM »
Sorry looked at the wrong name inreference to someone quoting some info from the site in how the melee is listed stronger then the platinum
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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2013, 10:34:51 PM »
Okay so I'm basically looking at the mastermind for sure but still on the fence with the rest I know I want the mastermind to cover even the heaviest of patterns. Also I'm not looking for ths balls this is being built for tourneys I can alter my hand enough to still bowl league. I like the melee bc I've heard it long and still controllable which is something I'm missing in a ball. Then after the mastermind I'm looking at a brawler drilled strong or a beat down drilled how? Then a melee and platinum or even like what I see about the dude.  Also for the sake of conversation what would your layouts be for each ball. Just generally without getting into my pap and all that I mean if I had to put my approach and roll out there I would say I through it like Tom Hess but maybe less speed around 15mph. 


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2013, 08:43:17 AM »
Let me clarify any misunderstanding from anything I may have said earlier.

My Melee is stronger, in that it will handle a bit more oil than the Platinum Ringer. I knocked some of the factory gloss off and it's even better.  From the factory the two were pretty darn close.

After putting many games on both, my Platinum Ringer is stronger than expected once the lanes get drier, and is more angular and responds more quickly than the Melee.  I have used both balls on two different lane surfaces, with varying amounts of oil - not just one house shot.

BOTH balls have been exceptional.  If one isn't carrying the other probably will.  I realize that bowler error plays a part regarding carry, too.  I LOVE the read of the lane that the Melee gives me.  It just reads what is there!  The Platinum Ringer is slightly less predictable, but that's not necessarily bad either, just different.

If you want a dry lane ball and aren't afraid to open up your angles more, then the Platinum Ringer will be your ticket.  If you want a dry lane ball good for playing closer to friction then I think the Strike King will be your friend.  My Melee has allowed me to play on the dry some, and the control I had was phenomenal.

No factory can possibly anticipate the 1,586 different bowler styles, as well the the unlimited amount of different conditions we bowl on from hour to hour.  They leave it to the individual bowler to decide which ball may fit his arsenal, as well as layouts and surface changes to compliment their conditions.

In this forum we can only give feedback as to what we've experienced on our conditions.  If the Melee is my favorite it may not be for the next guy, who may prefer the motion of the Platinum Ringer (which is also great).  "Different" doesn't have to be a bad thing since we are all different...


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2013, 09:55:32 PM »
How did you have your melee layed out. I guess I meant to put that in my original post. I'm in need of some nice layouts for these rocks. I'm new to laying out balls so I would like to go into buying them knowing what my arsenal can perform like.  For example is the mastermind gonna be that much really if I drill it strong or would it be better to go weak on the layout so I can ball down to my melee.


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Re: Need help with new arsenal
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2013, 12:07:39 AM »

Mine is pretty strong, because I had heard from the Brunswick team that it was extremely easy to get down the lane.  I ended up putting the pin beside the ring finger for the first time ever.  The CG is basically stacked and I have a X - hole in about the P4 position.  Most of my stuff isn't laid out this strong, but I'm glad I did with this one.  The surface tweak was also good, but I'm always "tinkering" on the spinner, so who knows where I will end up. 

My Tuesday league house just barely bought the new Brunswick lane machine, so this week will be the first with whatever the new pattern will be.