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Author Topic: need some advice on an evil  (Read 1670 times)


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need some advice on an evil
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:21:09 AM »
I just got a NIB evil siege, got a deal on it and it looked nice. Im readin a lot of stuff on the sieges in general that they dont hook a whole lot and some people are unhappy with em. If anyone is throwing them and could help me out, just with how youre likin it, did you change the surface hows the layout. I used to work in a pro shop and could drill lots of equipment and didnt care but since im out of a job i gotta make sure whatever i get is gonna have a good chance to work for me. by the way, not a big hammer fan but i threw my friends jigsaw corner and that ball is sexy



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Re: need some advice on an evil
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 03:39:48 PM »
The evil siege is great but not average joe bowler's favorite ball in my opinion because it doesn't turn sideways into the pocket.  It has a quick response to the dry and just rolls off of it. I love the ball as is but if you need to change the reaction a little bit and get a heavier roll downlane then hit it with grey scotchbrite or something similar and then use rough buff on it. That'll help it clear even more and make a hellish move off the spot.
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff Member
Bowler's Connection Pro Shop


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Re: need some advice on an evil
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 04:54:16 PM »
sounds kinda what im lookin for, i got enough stuff that goes sideways i just need a strong smooth roll. have you seen one shined up, i was wondering how it reacted that way, and ive drilled a couple brunswick balls and the only layouts that have rolled good for me on their equipment is with the pin either right above or below the bridge, any advice on layouts that youve used or seen or anything


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Re: need some advice on an evil
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 07:31:08 PM »
I have 2 and I love them. It is my favorite ball right now. One is drilled 60x5x50 and the other is drilled 65x5x25. The first layout gives me more midlane and still some pop downlane, and the second layout I use when there is some burn. Corners much harder than the other one. Both of mine are out of box surface. This is the type of ball you can put your favorite drill pattern on and should work nicely.
Adam Baer
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
Adam Baer
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Re: need some advice on an evil
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 11:57:55 PM »
I agree with Adam on the layouts.  To me the M.A.C.E. core seems to roll best with longer pin to PAP layouts. It helps the ball clear the fronts more and store all its energy for a strong move on the back
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff Member
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Re: need some advice on an evil
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 01:03:12 AM »
when i drilled my evil siege i took it down to 4000 abralon and what I've noticed is that it really doesn't have that huge backend motion that  kcbruns mentioned, its smooth and strong at the same time. once it gets into its roll it hits very very hard. the MACE core for me flares quite a ton. depending on drilling i could see this ball having a wide variety of reactions to fit your roll. but the best thing i could say about it is that it has such a constant and predictable reaction. once i let go of it, i know exactly what its going to do. really does well when my reign starts to see alot of over/under and when my dull stuff starts moving too early. pics of layout in my profile
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