First of all, if it is working well with that setup, keep it that way. Just don't forget to clean it and extract oil regularly to maintain the reaction
As for the recommendations for the later games:
Since your Fury solid is polished, I do not believe you can stay in the same line with a Fury Pearl. However, it would give you stronger move down the lane, thus makes you use the inside line with great look. Excellent choice!
Or, I'd go either with Swarm or Rattler in your case, with lower pins (below bridge) and farther away pin-PAP distances (5 to 5-1/2 inches) to shot my angles down to stay close to the friction. If you encounter carry-down, go with the Rattler, if not, both would work great.
Although it's also a very versatile piece, I do not think Slide would be a good choice for a step down from polished Fury solid..