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Author Topic: Nemesis ?  (Read 1060 times)


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Nemesis ?
« on: May 15, 2005, 02:10:52 PM »
I got this ball on friday drilled it sat, with E2 i used storms xtra shine to polish this ball. Tommarow for my summer league we bowl on 41 foot of oil on a christmas tree pattern. I also have the absolute inferno drilled pin over ring and CG 1" from grip center with box finish. I am a tweener having 350rpm, with 15-16mph. What ball would match up better. Should i take the nemesis back to 800 ? I want to use the nemesis but i want to hear u guys oppinion frist. Also lanes are synthetic
Absolute Power...  Absolute Inferno


Burak Natal

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Re: Nemesis ?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 03:02:24 AM »
41 feet but how much oil? what ml? What is the ratio? What is the surface of the lanes (synthetic but what? HPL, Via, Anvilane?) It can be anything from medium to flood..

Generally, with your speed and rave rate, I do not think you will need to take Nemesis down to box unless it is heavy oil and you need control when your absolute is too aggressive down the lane..

I have two absolutes and from my experience it can handle heavier, longer patterns pretty well if you have clean backends. If there is flood, you may need your Nemesis in box..

Without knowing the exact condition, it is too hard to give proper advice..
In general, the longer the pattern, you move the breakpoint inside. And again generally, you need control, thus you need longer response time.. I would scuff the Nemesis (lightly with grey pad) and leave the Absolute as it is.. After you see/experience the pattern, you can decide for following weeks..

Just my 2 cents,

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Re: Nemesis ?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 03:32:08 AM »
I know you want to try out the new ball, but I do believe your Zone Classic should be able to cover most of the conditions you see bar the extreme.  

Why not just leave your Nemesis as it is, and see what happen.

Afterall, it's only bowling, it's not life and death... You never know, you might learn someething new!

Have fun!


The Angry Bowler

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Re: Nemesis ?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 07:21:42 AM »
Alright, my line up is Nemesis e2 drilling,  Absolute inferno drilled pin over ring finger cg kicked out 1/2 on the positive side, ZOne calssic drileld pin over ring cg 1.5" off grip line MB 1/2 from thumb, and finally my powergroove, driiled lay out e4, hits fingers... lol

Absolute inferno, this ball works great on the medium  oil shot, worked great the frist 2 games on my summer league having 3 people on a team. Played feet on 30 eyes over 17 out to about 10 set up really nice.

Zone Classic, ball is reall angular i almost cant use it on my league when the shot is there ball is awesome other then that is there any thing i can do to calm this ball down with out pluging it ?

Power groove, works great for playind out side borken down shot, when u cant get any thing to the pocket youll be able to get this ball there.

Nemesis, It looks like this ball will be a great heavy oil ball or work on a medium shot with out burning up to quickly since its polished and have a nice arc to the pocket.

Thx guyz
Absolute Power...  Absolute Inferno