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Author Topic: Nemesis and Punisher ?  (Read 1599 times)


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Nemesis and Punisher ?
« on: July 03, 2005, 03:15:39 PM »
Has any one really liked there nemesis or what do they use it on. How is it drilled ? surface ?

I have one drill with E2 drilling. I have done poorly with this ball it would do well with heavy oil im thinking for me any one else have some feed back onthis ball
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A guy gets on the mta dies, his corpse doing laps around La, Think any one will notice

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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2005, 11:35:22 PM »
I've seen people have very good results with it.

Scoring better than I thought they knew how!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2005, 12:48:57 AM »
My first Nemesis was drilled 2E.  Typically, pin-under drillings don't work that well for me.  Combine that with the amount of flare that comes with a 4 1/2" pin-to-PAP distance, and you get a ball that can be *very* condition-specific.  However, it did work really well on conditions where I needed more of a hook-stop reaction.  This particular Nemesis worked best when taken to 600 and then polished with the Brunswick High Gloss, less so at 800 or 1200 smooth.

I just drilled another Nemesis the other day, with the 2L layout.  I took the surface up to 2000 smooth, to try to fit it between my Zone Classic and Punisher.  I've only thrown this ball once, but I think it will give me an option for a wider range of conditions than the first one did.
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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2005, 01:49:16 AM »
My friend has a Punisher with a 2E drill to it. A very lane-specific ball. When the lanes dry up or yopu are faced with a short pattern, this thing can rock the house. But the lane has to be dry enough, otherwise it will slip and be inconsistent, with erratic carry and a spasmic breakpoint, even with this early roll drill.

From what we have seen, you need some speed and revs (300+) to make it work. Slow strokers will not get happy with this ball, I think a pearl Power Groove should be a better selection.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2005, 06:29:07 PM »
i have a nemesis and the pin is next to the ring finger and the cg is in the center of my grip. the ball was left wetsanded 800 grit and i had brunswicks factory finish high gloss polish applied. i'm getting a great midlane move and a great backend reaction. i'm probably going to get a punisher in several weeks and will drill it the same but the coverstock preparation will be very different---wetsanded very fine( 4,000 grit abralon pad ), brunswicks rough buff finishing compound will be applied, and finally a coat of brunswicks polish.

Mr Bass

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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2005, 08:26:54 PM »
I have a Nemesis drilled 1L, sanded 1500 grit. Can throw it from 19 out to 6; great midlane and backend reaction...
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
"Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
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Re: Nemesis and Punisher ?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2005, 10:21:23 PM »
I have one drilled 4 1/2 PAD X 3 1/2 above the midline and cg ...well it doesn't matter? this ball I use  when I want to play in on longer patterns.

Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ