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Author Topic: Nemesis -continue to be impressed  (Read 954 times)


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Nemesis -continue to be impressed
« on: August 05, 2005, 02:03:07 PM »
I have not seen a really top flite bowler using this ball except Parker Bohn struggling with it on TV.

But in our area bowlers from about 150 to 190 have tried it.  I have yet to see anyone not seem like they were scoring better than they really should be!

A guy on my team had a 5 year old HPD.  Good ball and he has very little axis rotation.  BUT since he switched to a Nemisis for three weeks he hasn't been really lower than 595 and has a couple of 640s to his credit.  He throws the ball like 520!  I believe he may end the year averaging over 200 with the ball!
Big backend for him!

Seen many others too!

I see this ball as competition for the Crunch as one of the best reactive solids ever!  Fits a little between the Super charge(a litle less strong in heads and mids) and a has a very similar smooth strong backend.

Sort of a child of the Columbia Hyde and the Crunch!



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Nemesis -continue to be impressed
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 10:11:11 PM »
i've used a nemesis for the better part of the summer and i'm impressed with it's combination of great roll and modest price. i put 100 games on it fairly quickly and had it resurfaced and put through the rejuvenator and the the reaction was as good as new---no noticeable difference in backend or carry. for the money it's hard to imagine a better reactive ball.


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Re: Nemesis -continue to be impressed
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 09:13:42 AM »
I've had mine for a few weeks now, and it's the only one I've seen in 3 leagues and a ~60 person tournament. Quite impressed with it so far

A bit surprised that the BVP line in general isn't more common here (Australia!), they're barely 2/3 the cost of an AI, but I've seen a lot more of those than all of the BVPs put together