I am a Brunswick fan, but they have seemingly backed themselves into a corner a bit here. With the discontinuation of the Blazing Inferno, Raging Inferno (so I've heard), Monster Smash/R, Monster Frenzy, Swamp Monster, and Fuze Eliminator, they have really dried up their equipment choices. I have no doubt that they have something up their sleeve, and we will soon see some replacements for these balls, but either their going to release a flood (5 balls or so at once, which people dislike for a variety of reasons), or they will slowly replace them, and still be a little short for a while. It just kind of concerns me a bit as Brunswick has been known in the past to not make the brightest business decisions in the world, and it looked like they got around that corner, and were moving in the right direction. Hopefully this is passing quickly, and the new line of Brunswick equipment will be here soon.