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Author Topic: New balls  (Read 9530 times)


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New balls
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:07:18 PM »
So I saw all the new releases in action last night. Its going to be an expensive summer.

Siege looks SICK. Brunswick have got that top end ball that hooks a ton in the back with no sign of quitting.

Wild thing, to me looks like just another pearl. Pretty skid flip for a brunswick ball but might need the shine knocked off slightly with 2000 or something.

Python looks like a Radical Inferno but rolls so much better



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Re: New balls
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2009, 10:27:12 AM »
Something official about the Wild Thing:

ConneXion Reactive
2-Color Pearl
Red / Silver Pearl
Hardness: 76-78
Factory Finish 4,000 Micro Pad

Core Dynamics @ 16#
Two-component Symmetrical Core
RG max: 2.514
RG min: 2.469
RG diff: 0.045
Average RG: 2.6 of 10

Hook Potential: 160
Length: 110
Typical Breakpoint
Shape: 95
Chart Position: R - 3

Stats not too disimilar to Total Inferno (bit more length and bit more angular with the WT).

I never got on that well with my Total Inferno I have probably only 25 games on that ball, just unable to match-up with it OR there are always better balls in my arsenal that match up. (I haven't given up on my TI yet, I WANT to like that ball)

I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
Certified ball collector.


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Re: New balls
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2009, 11:12:27 AM »
Thanks for the post dizzyfugu - All is revealed, the pdf pretty well explains the 95 breakpoint angle Is there a new breakpoint angle scale coming? I recall Brunswick extending the hook scale when new releases went off the old scale.


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Re: New balls
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2009, 01:01:04 PM »
If the Wild Thing is anything like my Total, I will fall in love all over again...My Total has been my favorite ball in my bag for years. I can't wait to give this ball a throw...

I've been curious is there anywhere to get a look at the new core designs?

I also like the sound of the Avalance....and the colors used on that ball make it that much more appealing...

Good stuff Big B, hopefully we will see more of the Big B on tour next really was a shame that Brunswick regularly was shut out on TV, other then when the ladies got their appearances...
Smash Zone - 4000 Polished
Twisted Fury - 1000 Polished
Total Inferno - 2000 Polished
Target Zone
Power Groove Teal/Orange - Sitting at home