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Author Topic: New Brunswick Nexus Line  (Read 2175 times)


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New Brunswick Nexus Line
« on: November 11, 2011, 06:41:01 AM »
Hey I have been using Storm and Roto Grip Equipment for the last 3 years and have had a decent few years bowling. 

Friday the 4th of November i went to the Brunswick Seminar and these two Nexus Balls are amazing!!!  I haven't used a Brunswick ball in 17 years and you could not rip these two balls from by hands. 


I would sign a Brunswick contract today for just these two balls.  I have 30 Storm and Roto Grip Balls that are gonna get dusty!!

Great job to the PD group you are really on to something, and thank you!





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Re: New Brunswick Nexus Line
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 02:09:13 PM »
I can attest that Steve is indeed a bad bad man on the lanes! Strikes for days with our stuff!


Thanks for the support, buddy... look forward to more emails.

Nick Smith - Brunswick Product Specialist
We like you so you should like us!
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Re: New Brunswick Nexus Line
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2011, 06:26:46 PM »
They are amazing.  Not so much that they hook a bunch (cause they do), but that the solid gets downlane with so much ease.  They just recover from anywhere and don't burn up.  It's so fun to throw them.   


Should have a video posted in the next day or so throwing them both with my review.  Cliche's aside, it's scary what these balls can do.  Combine these with the other releases this summer, and the Brunswick arsenal is pretty nasty.  If this isn't evidence enough, what about Rash going 5 for 5 at the WSOB so far.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


340-370 revs
18 mph
230 book on THS
200 book on PBA

Arsenal: (In the bag) C-System Ulti-Max, C-System Alpha Max, C-System 3.5, Lethal Revolver, Loaded Revolver, Wicked Siege, Massive Damage, Damage, Slingshot, Avalanche Slide,


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Re: New Brunswick Nexus Line
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2012, 10:49:58 AM »
Hey Andy, have you tried a New XXL Nexxus or the VERSA MAX, WOW i used the XXL in the MASTERS and shot 268 first game of second cut to go from 11th to 4th and it is more Hook and More ANGLE and the VERSA MAX is a Twin to the Vctory Road, both very great balls.  Good Luck and Keep on Striking...