My suggestions would be the following:
1) To tame the ball overall, try some NEO-TAC Control-It. This stuff is very easy to use (can be applied by hand), and works well. For me it really seems to smooth out the "snappy" backend reaction.
2) To smooth out the backend reaction, but overall keep the ball strong, scuff the surface with a scotch-brite pad. I would suggest wetting the ball with either rubbing alcohol, ball cleaner, or even water first, then use light circular motions all over the surface. I like to finish with cleaning the ball again (ball cleaner, diluted simple green, or my favorite, orange clean).
3) If neither of these options appeal to you, then I would suggest just throwing a few more games with it. Any new ball tends to really hook the most for about the first 10-20 games. After which, the reaction seems to tame down some.
Good luck!
The Bengals season has come to an end. Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost. Now we look forward to April... Come on Chris Gamble