First data about the new Zone found (plus picture!) on Looks good and promising - the better Fuze Eliminator

Impulse ZoneArticle: 60-104250-93X
Shell: Activator® Particle Low Load
Color: Ocean Blue, Yellow Glow Engraving
Hardness: 76-78
Surface: High Gloss Polish
Core: Similar to Zone Classic
RG Max: 2.553
RG Int: 2.540
RG Min: 2.515
RG Diff: 0.038
RG Asy: 0.013
Average RG: 3.9
Spin Time approx.= 12 sec
Hook Potential: 130
Length: 85
Breakpoint: 70
Comparison Chart Position = P12
Weights: 12-16 Pounds
Ball has already been included in Brunswick's current ball comparison chart on their website, but graphics and data needs to be updated.
Official text from Spobag Germany:
Brunswick low load particle balls are traditionally admit for their excellent pavement grip in the oil and their strong reaction in the dry range of the course. This kind of reaction was for a long time popular with high level players, who look out for a predictable reaction within the central range of the course.
Predecessor models of low load of particle balls were built on basis of the PowrKoil 18 shell. The Impulses works on the basis of the activator technology.
This provides for more length and stronger reaction in baking, more hooks potential, more tolerance and stronger impact force in the pins. The Impulse uses medium RG version of the Ultra Low RG of asymmetric core system ZONE of the Classic.
0.6 pounds was shifted from the internal core to the outside core, in order to achieve the described reaction of the ball. Out OF the box: The impulse zone is suitable for centraldry to centraloily courses.
(Humble transaltion from German

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 11/8/2004 9:39 AM
Edited on 11/8/2004 10:00 AM