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Author Topic: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???  (Read 2939 times)


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New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« on: August 11, 2006, 10:34:40 AM »
I have been contemplating buying a Wizard as I think it should be a good combination of 2 balls I really like, Danger Zone (have a 16# I don't throw any more since going to 15#), and the Ambush that I am currently using in a sport league (ball rolls really well).  The problem is that I can buy a brand new 15# Danger Zone on Buddies.  My only complaint with my old DZ was it sometimes was too early, but that was probably due to the stacked leverage drill I had on it.  By the way, I always threw the DZ with polish and would plan on doing the same with the Wizard if I went with it.  Any recommendations between these two balls?

Edited on 8/14/2006 10:53 PM
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 11:34:27 AM »
danger zone without thinking twice.


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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2006, 03:11:40 PM »
Thanks for the replys.  The one drawback of buying the DZ is that I won't have that buying a new ball feeling since I have already thrown one.  The counter to that is that I know I will be getting a great ball because I have already thrown one.

Ric, or any other Brunswick staffer, are the new Danger Zones being sold on the internet the exact same core, cover and quality as the originals?
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2006, 09:25:14 PM »
I owmn an original and the re-release, both seem identical in their characteristics.


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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 02:28:38 PM »
Nothing against bowlingballmall, but buddies has them for less and I have ordered from buddies before.  I think if I go for the DZ, I'll be sticking with them.  I think I will wait a few more weeks until the season starts so that I can see what my new Scorchin and Ambush look like on the house shot.  Hopefully, there will still be DZ's to be had.
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2006, 11:03:17 PM »
Well, after going to practice on a house shot today, been bowling on sport all Summer, I may need to listen to my pro-shop guy's recomendation.  When I showed him my arsenal, he said I had a lot of strong stuff and needed something with more length.  He suggested the Rampage.  I was not even getting that great of length out of the power grove today.  I'm thinking of getting the Rampage with the pin drilled above the bridge and the CG kicked out a little bit.  Any one have experience with this drilling on a Rampage?
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2006, 12:35:00 PM »
The pg reactive will typically push farther than the Rampage depending upon the layout of each.  The Rampage is a stronger ball than advertised, if you have more knowledge of the Smokin, think longer, with less midlane, more backend and a similar overall hook potential.  It is great for most ths, as one needs good length to create entry angle for better carry.  Pin over bridge, depending upon your pap and axis tilt may not be a great drilling.  If you have a low degree of tilt and an axis point in the range of 4" its a strong good rolling layout.  If however you have a high degree of tilt it may go too long and give an inconsistent read at the breakpoint, and if your axis is over 5" or so it should produce a low hook potential.
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2006, 02:37:41 PM »
You can see all my drillings in my profile as well as my PAP which is 4".  My PG has the pin in a leverage position so that is probably why it was not getting that much length, it usually does fine but the heads were burnt up pretty bad unless you got in real deap.  Not sure of my axis tilt but I don't think it is alot.  I don't have anything with a high pin position or a very long pin distance, that was what I was going to go for in the Rampage.  Knowing that the ball is designed to be more of a skid/flip ball, I still want to minimize the amount of over/under reaction with still getting good length.  Any suggestions on drilling patterns and pin out distances?
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Re: New Danger Zone or Wizard or now the Rampage???
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2006, 03:04:16 PM »
I would recomend a pin high 135* layout. Pin above ring 5" for me 4" above midline and cg above middle finger 2-3" pin vendetta particle pearl and messenger ti cherry. Both balls ignore the front 30 feet and have a great forward roll to the pocket and the carry is unbelieveable. It is a dry head layout and will give you push and hold through the front where there is none. I have used these two balls with much success on truely dry and burnt up heads. I would also recommend trying on something old that you dont use much any more to see if it will work for you. I drilled both balls like this and love them, i tried it on a saturn and hated it. I think it works best on medium RG balls and not so much on high Rg stuff, the higher rg stuff actualy wanted to roll a touch sooner for me. Give it a try and see what happens. Also on the VPP I didnt have to use a weight hole I just drilled the fingers deeper to adjust statics to usbc limits, the messenger had a wieght hole put on the negative side in the 10 o'clock position 6" over from the pin, I would drill it and throw it to make sure you dont flare where the weight hole will be first.