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Author Topic: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB  (Read 3540 times)


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New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« on: February 05, 2009, 03:32:31 AM »
Apologies for hijacking notclays topic on the Wild Ride.


I generally love BigB stuff, but as of late, they seem to be struggling with cover/core issues.

We've had what, 3 or 4 new covers and 3 or 4 new cores since the last Activator formulation and none of them (IMHO) seem to be working out.

What's up with that?? I've always believed that Brunswick has/had some of the finest R&D in the industry. Lately, it's been producing it's fair share of duds.

Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...

Edited on 2/5/2009 12:36 PM


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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 11:43:19 AM »

No problem here with your thread. In the past 4 years of throwing every ball Brunswick has released I've had 2 that were "not for me". The rest have been fine. Too many guys are over-estimating their rev rate and drilling many too weak, or maybe they are buying the wrong ball for their particular condition? I don't know...

I have no way of knowing since I can't watch them throw the ball on their conditions.

People should not buy a ball just because it works for "Joe Bowler" who averages 240. They should try to decide what reaction they are looking for, factor in their lane surface and condition, and make an educated choice. After that it becomes "bowler error" in my book. Oh, I forgot. No one ever throws a bad shot...

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff


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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 11:58:10 AM »
"Joe Bowler" is looking for that ball that will give him the best reaction on the widest lane conditions possible, not some closet queen that will be take out on prom night when the moon is full and the oil pattern is such and such.

The biggest asset of the Inferno series was the versitility which earned them BOY on more than one occasion.

Brunswick's "tried and true" core/cover combos found on the rattler, swarm and copperhead as popular due to the reason stated above.

I realize that not every one can be a "hit", but it just seems that BigB is "missing" more than it's "hitting" when it comes to new technology..

Just my.02
Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 12:02:13 PM »
Lane, you seem to know a decent amount about Brunswick stuff, so in your honest opinion, what ball between the Wild Ride and Rattler, do you see being a better ball for a standard league house shot for someone that has medium speed and medium revs and likes to play 18-8 or so?

Just from what I have seen, I'm really hesitant on the Wild Ride, but I seem to match up well with "Mid Range" equipment and the Rattler seems enticing.

What do you think?
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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 12:31:23 PM »
Most bowlers seem to crave the skid/snap reaction. For me the Rattler goes longer and is more angular, especially as the lanes start to break down.

The Wild Ride has a stronger cover, so it starts reading earlier, then makes a very strong move back to the pocket. However, on higher friction surfaces such as older synthetics, wood, or overlays, the Rattler gives me plenty of room on the lane and seems (so far) to hit and carry better. It could be in part because my WR is at 2000 instead of polished like the Rattler, so it loses enery faster. Both have been great for me.

For lower friction surfaces I prefer the Wild Ride, hands down. For people who see more friction on the lane I believe they'll LOVE the Rattler. It is an outstanding piece, especially at it's price point.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

Corey C

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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 11:27:40 PM »
Oddball, there are way too many factors involved that can produce bad ball reaction. Matching up the cover with YOUR conditions is the key. Brunswick tests all new covers with all cores to see which one matches the best. It's up to you to fine tune it to your game.

Let me give you an example of my best friend. He's an accomplished bowler who has won several tourneys but has been labeled as rev challenged. He drilled an Ultra Zone and hated it, a Fury Pearl as his dry lane ball, and his fav was an Ultimate as his oil ball. After getting some coaching from Randy Pedersen, we worked on getting his hand in a stronger position at the release. NOW he can't believe how much his Ultra hooks, his Fury pearl is now a Medium to heavy ball, and he's deeper than ever on the lane with the Ultimate all from working on hand position.

The Wild Ride is a freakin awesome ball as far as I'm concerned. I've already got 6 people biting just from me throwing it.

To be honest, the way I drilled my Rattler isn't producing the results I had hoped, but it will work in a high friction center when the lanes burn up and I need to control the pocket. Will I compete on the THS with the Rattler? NO But I will on Cheetah.
Corey Clayton
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Turbo Grips Staff
Team Canada 2007, 2008, & 2009
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation
Corey Clayton
Brunswick Regional Staff
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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2009, 12:47:10 AM »
i love the wild ride, i'm throwing one and it's not even mine it's a buddy of mines, first seven games with it i had a 264 278 279 290 with 20 in a row at one point, it's not even drilled for my hand either it is just stacked over the bridge, and thes scores came from three different houses as well. i must say though oob it is not very good once you get in past third arrow, but if you can play a slightly tighter line with this ball it is great.
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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2009, 03:44:03 AM »
I have been playing with Columbia300 since the bully came out at first and have had any ball since then from c300.
i then changed to Brunswick pured stuff, and the first couple of balls i drilled was way to weak from what i was used to. most of my equipment from c300 was drilled 5½-6" from pap but with brunswick i am closer to 4½-5 on most of my balls. they seems a bit weaker core cover wise but with alot more power in the pocket


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Re: New topic...Wild Ride and other releases from BigB
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2009, 06:32:29 AM »
my Swarm and Rattler are some of the best bowling balls I have ever threw. They murder the pocket, and are very forgiving. Easy on the pocket as well.
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