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Author Topic: New Videos: Nexxus f(P+R) vs Nexus f(P+F) vs Nexus f(P) vs Versa-Max  (Read 2930 times)


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I recently wrote up a complete review of each of these 4 balls with video ball reaction and Digitrax analysis.
I won't re-write it all, you can read it and see the videos at:
If I had to rank these balls in order of which one I like most:
1. Versa-Max
2. Nexxus f(P+R)
3. Nexus f(P+F)
4. Nexus f(P) a distant last to be honest
The Versa-Max is a really good ball and a lot of people are going to like this one.  It truly is the most versatile piece in Brunswick's lineup.  It makes a consistent move at the breakpoint.  It is rather clean through the heads, but it is very easy to read at the breakpoint and makes a very consistent backend move.
The Nexxus is a lot stronger but is the next most usable ball.
I found the Nexus f(P) to be pretty over/under on the condition we tested.  It really doesn't seem to like fresh conditions.  It does make a ton of backend, but is so clean that it sometimes blows through the breakpoint.  

Everything Bowling, coaching tips, ball reviews, General bowling discussions
USBC Certified Level I
Edited by TamerBowling on 4/7/2012 at 4:57 PM
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Re: New Videos: Nexxus f(P+R) vs Nexus f(P+F) vs Nexus f(P) vs Versa-Max
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 10:48:50 PM »
With the Nexus Pearl, I had to completely rethink my lines. Basically, I had to stand farther left, and throw farther right overall, but at a spot farther down the lane than anything else I've ever thrown. Now, I have decent hand and only medium speed, but usually that equates to checking up early, not coast-to-coast power.
It's not a ball I would go to if my goal is to throw a tight 10 board-wide line center-right of the head pin. That's Versa Max territory right there. While they are two very different balls, I can see how the Versa Max would be useful for more bowlers in more situations than the Nexus...but again, its versatility is in throwing lines on conditions you've never thrown before (at least for me).

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Arsenal: Nexxus P+R, Nexus Pearl, Versa Max, BVP Punisher, Power Groove Dry/R, XXXL Starburst 


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Re: New Videos: Nexxus f(P+R) vs Nexus f(P+F) vs Nexus f(P) vs Versa-Max
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 06:30:17 PM »
Yeah, I would say Versa-Max hands down, between the Nexus f(P) and Versa.  Like any ball, some will love it, some hate it, and some in the middle.
BTW, I really didn't like the way it looked in Sean Rashes hands in the doubles competition... I'm sure he was seeing very good results in general with the equipment he was using (WSOB results speak for themselves).  He just never had the greatest look in the TV finals. 

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USBC Certified Level I
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