I made a similar experience with my Shock & Awe... just used tap water 60°C (140°C) and a small shot of all purpose kitchen cleaner. I soaked the ball twice for 30 mins as along as the water was warm. After drying it up, the ball looked similarly to BrunsNick's AI: baby blue and copper swirls!
The blue almost lost all of its pearl appearance and became very light in color, and the ball looked almost matte. the orange/slamon was not that much affected. The ball became totally oil free (*squeek*), and when I took it for tests to the lanes (I was also in doubt if anything bad had happened? Worts case of phazing so far for me) it performed as good as new with its trademark killer hook, but eagerly soaking up oil, building up a weird dark oil track and recovering some original color in the process af 2 games with it.
I think when you hit the ball with polish or compound, it will also revert to "normal" state. As far as I can tell, performance was not hampered, as well as durability. Seems to be a coverstock phenomenon?
Anyone around who soaked an Intense Inferno or Vapor Zone, just for comparison and effects?
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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