While I do not have all the answers, I do know that the ball Mike switched to was a brand new Strike Zone that was drilled Saturday prior to practice on the arena finals lanes. I'm not sure of the pin to axis distance, but the psa was at a 55 degree angle from Mike's Axis. Plus it was a "fresh" new cover.
If you watched closely not only did he switch balls, he moved farther to the right with both his target and feet and slowed his ball speed down to get around the effects of what Ken Muscato and Art Brown had done to the lane.
Mike gave Rick Benoit credit this week. After the show, Mike asked Rick how he knew what was going to happen to the lanes. Rick explained that his experience told him that this would happen. Plus, and this is in no way a dig at the left side, it happens all the time on the right side. Like I said, not "dissin'" anyone, its just fact that with normally fewer lefties than righties, lefties normally don't have to deal with this.
As far as what is happening with Brunswick Insiders, Rick's camera came up missing at the tour stop in Tulsa. He has a new camera, but Rick is somewhat technology challenged.

Once he figures out this new camera, the website will be updated and better than ever.