update: Today i was on decently oiled lanes. I used a pearl particle the first two games, worked fine. Then when it started to grab early, i tried switching to the Classic Zone. I throw it basically striaght up the second arrow. Nothing. Barely budged. Went right through the 3 pin. So i pull out the punisher. I meant to throw up second arrow, but missed to the right a bit. It never hit outside 10 where the real dry was, but it still managed to go across the head pin amd go brooklyn (although it did carry it). Where my Classic didnt move, my punisher hooked like crazy.
Bob- I dont wipe after every shot, but i do a good job cleaning them after every set. However, i have probably somewhere between 50-75 games on it, and i havent repolished it. Would that be the problem? Cause if it is ill have it at a spinner first thing tomorrow.