
Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: charlest on September 24, 2004, 03:31:25 PM

Title: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 24, 2004, 03:31:25 PM
I drilled mine about 4 1/4" x 5", pin next to ring finger, 3" pin-CG distance. The CG is just about dead center of the grip. On true (my impression of the oil) medium oil, I get a nice strong arc. On the higher range of medium-light it is still usable, but the hook is getting bigger. On medium-heavy, it is still very usable, but with a smaller hook. On all three patterns, the distance is, oddly, not that far apart. Not a terrible thing. The ball's hit is truly devastating, when usable.

What bothers me most is a reaction I did not expect. Once true medium-light (again my impression of the oil amount) oil starts to decrease, I get an incredible hook and set reaction, just like the old Danger Zone. Only this is much worse, to my mind; the ball really rolls out; it does not hook out, AND the amount of hook is all but uncontrollable, even with modified releases.

I even added an extra dose of Brunswick's High Gloss polish to it. Very little difference.

I probably should have done something I normally dislike: placing the pin above the bridge. Since the ball is all but useless in my main house, I may try this, but I am looking for both reasons and options. Nah, redrilling is not an option, since even my 5x5 SlayR hooks too much at some point toward the end of the 2nd game.

This house gets dry quickly, since it's very old wood, on its last legs before being replaced by SYnthetics at some time in the unknown future. As mentioned just above, I have to go from a SlayR to a Barrage or a Big Hit, as the oil disappears.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 9/24/2004 11:24 PM
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: RandyO on September 25, 2004, 12:25:58 AM
If a 5x5 SlayR is too much, you sure as H3LL aren't going to be able to use an Intense! Sounds like you'd be better off with a polished urethane Groove - or maybe a Black Beauty?
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 25, 2004, 06:27:52 AM
I wasn't so much talking about using the Intense on this dry league in this house, as to how to prevent that roll-out, through surface changes or re-drilling or any other method.

I guess by putting down all the facts, I sort of answered my own question: use it where there's enough oil to prevent roll-out or throw it much faster.

Has anyone tried to sand the Intense very fine, like 2000 grit, and then re-polishing?
- DOes it keep its incredible hitting power?
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: TheDude on September 25, 2004, 07:45:11 AM
Has anyone tried to sand the Intense very fine, like 2000 grit, and then re-polishing

Um, i wonder who does that on practically every ball. I better go ask greg Hoppe.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: Rev-less on September 26, 2004, 12:22:07 AM
Charlest, please be assured that you're not the only one experiencing this with the Intense.

I bought one myself about a month ago, and had it drilled for a skid/snap reaction (pin vertically above ring finger, CG out, small balance hole NOT on PAP)

My Intense Inferno basically ended up with the same reaction as yours...good skid followed by a slow-turning arc that CAN end with a moderately sharp angle IF it starts hooking early enough. The pin-carry was however fantastic so I didn't complain that much.

I've tested the ball on a variety of conditions - fresh house oilings ranging from 35-40 feet as well as PBA pattern D (39 feet). My Original Inferno outhooked the II on all the conditions I've tried. Had a much harder snap than the II too DESPITE the Brunswick chart proudly claiming that the II has a superhigh backend rating of 80+

Right now, the only reasons why I'm still keeping this ugly (yes it IS ugly..its so hard to read the ball's reaction on the lane when the colors are this bad, unless you used black finger inserts) thing is:

- It still hits hard. Although I predict it'll be leaving lots of corner pins once the ball gets seasoned, because of the weak angle of entry.
- It makes a surprisingly good outside-line ball, because of the tame reaction. But since most houses here have so little oil on the first 7-boards, I won't be using it much...probably for tournament shots.

This experience has taught me NEVER to trust those silly Brunswick rating charts again. The only values you can make use of are the RG and Dif ratings IMO. Make your inferences from there.

If I could do my own chart I'll rank the balls (in terms of overall backend reaction) like this: Ultimate Inferno > Inferno > Raging Inferno > Intense Inferno
Never tried the blazing.
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: BowlersAidProShop-Wells on September 26, 2004, 04:20:23 AM

  If you're in the mood to experiment with it, why not try drilling that intense with a 5 1/2 or 5 3/4" pin placement to see how it affects its reaction in that home house of yours.  You already mentioned you have a SlayR 5x5 thats too much, may be worth a shot.  I have my Intense drilled at 5x5 (PAP 6--> 3/8 up), which left room for a small hole on my axis.  I threw it for 2 weeks in the PBA patterns league I was in for the summer.  I shot 783 on pattern E, noticing the same hook and set off the dry you mentioned (although pattern E gives that reaction to a wide assorment of balls and layouts), and then shot 412, and 470 in 2 separate 2 game roll-offs for the league end on Pattern A.  Great hit and mix, but again, I have limited testing on it, and only on 2 drier PBA patterns.
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 26, 2004, 02:40:07 PM

I had similar experiences with my Blazing and my Inferno with uncontrollable reactions when I threw them. What I did was scuffed both balls with different scotch-brites: Blazing with the Blue 1000 grit, and the Original Inferno with a Green 600 grit. BIG Difference with it; the reaction was smoothed out and it was WAY more predictable.


Thanks for your advice. I can see how you might mistake what I wrote about the Intense and assume it was unctrollable. Mine really wasn't. In fact, it was suprisingly controllable on 90% of the appropriate oil patterns. Length was veyr consistent, as was hook.

My main surprise was the total roll-out when it got too dry. With the medium-high RG and good RG differential and my drilling roughly 4x5, I expected more continuation on light-to-medium-light oil patterns. Instead, I got roll-out.

I think I will try about a 2000 grit finish, ala Greg Hoppe, and see what happens. Next will be polish on top of the 2000 grit; then a redrilling. This should take a couple of weeks, as I don;t wish to sacrifice any other pins on/in this league nor do I wish to make my teammates pay for my testing and more low scores. I have some alternatives in mind fo rthis league; so, mods to the Intense will have to be tested, maybe after this league is over one night.

Thanks to all.

More comments are welcome.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: FBM357 on September 29, 2004, 01:27:07 PM
I drilled mine about 4 1/4" x 5", pin next to ring finger, 3" pin-CG distance. The CG is just about dead center of the grip. On true (my impression of the oil) medium oil, I get a nice strong arc. On the higher range of medium-light it is still usable, but the hook is getting bigger. On medium-heavy, it is still very usable, but with a smaller hook. On all three patterns, the distance is, oddly, not that far apart. Not a terrible thing. The ball's hit is truly devastating, when usable.


I'll check the layout on my Intense later when I arrive home.  What I do know is my pin is next to ring finger.  Have to get back to you on the CG.  I have to agree with what you've said above.  I really like this ball.


What bothers me most is a reaction I did not expect. Once true medium-light (again my impression of the oil amount) oil starts to decrease, I get an incredible hook and set reaction, just like the old Danger Zone. Only this is much worse, to my mind; the ball really rolls out; it does not hook out, AND the amount of hook is all but uncontrollable, even with modified releases.

I haven't experienced this.  Although you get the ball out on the lane, you're still experiencing the 'roll out'?  hmm, that kind of reaction would bother me as well.

I even added an extra dose of Brunswick's High Gloss polish to it. Very little difference.

I'm yet to tamper with my cover.

I'll inform you of my specs when I get the chance.

Caring people make a difference!!!  All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 29, 2004, 02:12:09 PM
Just read the Sept. BTM review of the Intense. They're saying this IS a medium to medium-heavy oil ball. Maybe this is why it's rolling out on lighter oil for me, especially with this relatively strong drilling (for me), with slight bit of extra length.

How would it have reacted if I put the pin under the ring finger??
Probably wouldn't have been able to use it for any medium-light patterns.

I had no idea such a high RG ball would be so strong. Should have learned my lesson from the Lanemaster Diamond particle balls, New Standard and Yeah Baby! Their RG starts at 2.6 ...

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: Rockbowler on September 29, 2004, 02:28:58 PM

There was so much hoopla re- the new Lanemasters balls that I decided to buy their current offerings. What was your experience with the Lanemasters balls? I love the New Standard but can not get the Yeah Baby to hook. I have not played with the surface yet but I wanted to know your experience with it before I consider changing the surface or re-drilling. Thanks!
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 29, 2004, 05:42:55 PM

haven't drilled my Yeah Baby! yet; too many other balls and too many other concerns at the moment. SOrry.

Since the Yeah Baby is supposed to go longer, handle a little less oil (mine seems to have come slightly more polished than the New STandard which came about 800 grit dull.) but hook more. I would have and will put a slightly weaker drilling (not a lot weaker) and try it on lighter oil (medium to medium-heavy oil; not less than medium) pattern than the New Standard. The NS needs a lot of oil; I supect with the polished cover that the YB will need some dry; not sure how much.

How is your NS drilled and the YB drilled?
How has the NS reacted on what type of oil pattern?
How do other specific balls react on these oil patterns?

FYI BTM gave the NS a length of 10, while the YB had a length of 12 (range 8 - 23). Total hook: Ns had 51, YB had 47.

Surprised your YB did not hook. Could you have tried it on too little oil OR too much?

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: Brian Green on September 29, 2004, 10:40:14 PM
      i too had a very odd reaction out of my intense inferno out of the box...  for me the backend was severely uncontrollable.......  it was either skidding thru the breakpoint  or it wasnt gettin too the breakpoint.....  it also had one of the most violent backend movements i have ever seen......

after about 5 games i decided i had enough of the reaction i was getting  and i took the shine off of it and the ball reacted totally different....  the backend was still agressive, but it was consistant now  and i think it hit just as hard as before........

i think if you hit the ball lightly with a burgandy scotch brite pad, u will like the ball a little bit more.....

you can laugh at the way i bowl   but i will be the one laughin when i am takin your money
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 30, 2004, 05:47:14 AM
Brian Green and Brunswick Lefty,

Both of your balls' reaction makes me wonder if you've both had yours drilled slightly outside the range of where your pin and/or CG should be.

Are you using short pin-CG distance balls?
Is your pin too far away from the PAP? (Since my coverstock, even with the extra polish, seems so strong, I think this ball should still be satisfactory even with a 5" pin-PAP distance. More than 5" might be problematic.)


It almost sounds like you either needed to kick the CG out towards the PAP, or use a stronger pin position, or maybe you just need a weight hole positioned correctly to increase the flare. (Usually if you have enough side & top weightto play with, a hole about 3" below your PAP will make the ball hook earlier and flare more.)

Then again, a slight roughing up of the cover with a nylon pad has helped make many balls much more predictable. Glad that worked for you. I don't dare do that or with my revs/ball speed, my Intense won't even cover medium conditions. Mine has been very predictable ... so far (the kiss of death).

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 9/30/2004 5:40 AM
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: Rockbowler on September 30, 2004, 12:42:38 PM

How is your NS drilled and the YB drilled?
How has the NS reacted on what type of oil pattern?
How do other specific balls react on these oil patterns?

FYI BTM gave the NS a length of 10, while the YB had a length of 12 (range 8 - 23). Total hook: Ns had 51, YB had 47.

Surprised your YB did not hook. Could you have tried it on too little oil OR too much?


My NS is drilled about 5 X 4 Pin over ring and CG kicked out a bit same drill with the YB so I can have a direct comparison. I threw both balls on two different conditions as follows:

1)Tournament with medium-heavy oil and wet outsides (40 ft. buffed to 45 or something like that)
The NS rolls early and evenly and predictably crashes the pocket. The YB which is advertised to go longer and stronger is longer for me but has a slight arc to the pocket. Also, the NS and the YB came both with a dull, sheen finish.

2) League shot 38 ft. medium oil but an OB from 5 board out. I think this is the only house I know with this kind of shot. It is not surprising that last winter, nobody threw a 300 in this house. Again, the NS shines with the same predictable roll and hook to the pocket and pin-crashing power but I have to put it back in my bag at the end of the second game. In comparison, I have to almost have a straight line to the pocket shooting (at the 7 board up the boards) with the YB. But it also was too much ball by the third game.

I will try to polish the YB and see if I get the strong comeback to the pocket that it was advertised for. (I was hoping I could have two medium to heavy oil balls with different reactions and I got that but it was not what I expected of the YB. As BTM said, it is better if the ball hooks more than advertised rather than the opposite). I did not want to do that because I also bought an Absolute Power which I will test later as I have to have my driller adjust the thumb and finger pitches.

Edited on 9/30/2004 12:35 PM

Edited on 9/30/2004 12:37 PM
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on September 30, 2004, 02:51:05 PM

I remain leery of pin over the bridge especially when the base RG is already over 2.6, even with a cover as strong as the Diamond particle.

My NS is roughly 4x5.

I think the NS and the YB are not different enough (even tho' the core specs seem very close) so that you need slightly different drillings. Balls that are close often do not make good go-to pairings.

I am and would be inclined to drill the YB stronger and polish it slightly more than the NS. That would probably drop the YB into the medium class, with a small edging into the medium-heavy class of oil handling. The NS in box condition was strictly for HEAVY oil, for me. I had to add a little polish.
Tried it again today. Hard not to strike with that ball, with even the fluffiest release.

Still no experience with the YB ... yet. You're blazing the trail and I will learn from you on this one.
My suggestion:
Oh, before you polish the YB, try, oh, say a 1200 or 1500 grit sanding, leaving it dull or matte - no polish. Then try it 600 grit sanded, with a light polish.

With each use make sure you hit the DRY. The NS does not need to hit the dry.

Any more comments, let's take this to privaye messaging or put it on the OTHER manufacturers forum. We're abusing our privileges here.
(Sorry, folks.)
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: BrunsBob on October 03, 2004, 06:53:38 PM

   You have to remember that the Intense is an Activator coverstock and still needs some head oil to help it retain energy. Even know it is designed for a skid/flip reaction, the cover will grab to much in light oil, thus causing the ball to burn up to soon. The Intense is a more conditional ball than a few of the others, but is fantastic when the conditions call for it. I see too many bowlers that have 6-8 balls, yet still they choose to throw their favorite ball even when the lanes are telling them to use something else.

If ya ain't throwin' ain't maximizin' your abilities. Get r done with BRUNSWICK.
Title: Re: Odd & unexpected reaction from Intense Inferno
Post by: charlest on October 03, 2004, 08:19:00 PM

   You have to remember that the Intense is an Activator coverstock and still needs some head oil to help it retain energy.


I knew it was Activator, but I didn't know what effect the "plus" factor would have as opposed to the normal Activator "juice", IN ADDITION, the INtense has a very high RG core, almost 2.6, for a 15 lb ball. That is very high. SO the whole process is/was an educational process.


Even know it is designed for a skid/flip reaction, the cover will grab to much in light oil, thus causing the ball to burn up to soon. The Intense is a more conditional ball than a few of the others, but is fantastic when the conditions call for it.

Mine, at it strongest, has a backend reaction that is just short of skid/flip; it is a VERY strong arc, but I would not call it skid/flip because the cover is so strong and the core's RG is so high.

I am beginning to agree with you that it may be more conditional that I expected it to be, but I have a few more tests to go before I commit to a value judgement on it.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."