I have a Teal Rhino Pro at home that rolls really well for me. Last year, I subbed at a bowling center that had lower volume and around 38 ft. I was able to go to it after the Purple Hammer and really could have started with it if I didn't love the look I had with the Purple on the fresh.
There's a guy I bowled with (he's since retired) that would kill nearly every pattern we have in town using his Gold Rhino Pro. And I have to admit that for a 25+ year old ball now, it still looks good going down the lane. Yes, a bit darker than the IQ Tour Pearl, but still looks good.
This has me thinking of breaking into my storage unit, pulling out a Command Zone Arc and see how it and a Riot Zone roll now. I'm not much of a Brunswick fan at all, but those two matched up my game wonderfully 20 years ago.
Speaking of oldies, I was 9 when I had it, but could someone remind me what the cover was for a Black Beauty? Poly, Urethane, Plastic? I don't know, but in my defense I was 9 and really didn't care, I just wanted to bowl at the time!