Beware, this is long, but may help you.
I have a pretty dang High track. were talking 1/4-1/2 inch away from the fingers and thumb. I've owned 3 pin in bowling balls within the last few years, loved 2 of em, and the verdict is still out on the Pin in Original inferno that I have. Had a Columbia Rock, put the pin above and to the right of the fingers a little ways, with the CG smack dab on top of the pin. Amazingly didn't need a weighthole. Ball rolled great, It actually got pretty good length for a particle, fairly snappy move, and carried just as well as any other ball I had.
Diagram of how the Rock is drilled
not too long ago Got a Columbia 300 Wild, drilled it with pin Right below the fingers, right around 1/4 inch away from both fingers. and the CG is about a half inch Directly below that. AMAZING ball, its hard to describe the way it rolled, It read the lanes and just rolled however it needed to in order to score. Good length most of the time. but still look at the core and coverstock. it is completely and 100% the best carrying ball I have ever rolled to date, I tripped more 4 pins and 10 pins out with this ball than I have with any thing else.
Diagram of how The Wild is drilled
and finally the ball I think your most interested in, I just recently got an OI with a 1 inch pin (even though I could have gotten one with a larger pin), I contemplated how to drill it, I had no knowledge as to how to drill a pin in ball except for how my others were drilled. After a few days of coming on here and talking to drillers in my area, I decided to lay it out about like my Rock was. Pin at a 45 degree angle from my ring finger and CG 1 inch (go figure) below that weight hole had to be added on this one, took out 3/8 oz. with the weight hole 4" right and 1/4" up from the center of palm (can't remember exactly where that is from my PAP). The drill broke before we had a chance to put the weight hole in so I got to use the ball for a little bit with 1 and 1/4 ounces of side weight. Ball went real long, longer than my Wired with a 5 inch pin, drilled pin over fingers CG kicked, and after going that far, just made a left turn. It was almost uncontrollable. I think part of it was the High Gloss finish on the ball. got OK carry but nothing to brag about. after taking the 3/8 oz side weight out of the ball, it had a much tamer backend (don't get me wrong, still snappy). Carry is good with it And it is actually the hardest hooking ball I use right now (currently thinking about getting a Visionary AMB Solid). Wired is the next step down from the OI. Clears the heads well, and almost always recovers on the backends, even when there is a little bit of carrydown.
How the OI is drilled
Well now that that Novel is done, on to the next!!!
Hope this helped you, If I had it to do over again, I would still definitely get that inferno. Good luck to you.
"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect.""If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
Taken from DesiderataProud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products