There are a couple of things that need to be addressed:
1) Brunswick balls, while good, do not last longer than anybody else's stuff. I've used balls from just about every major manufacturer, and, aside from Columbia's Tec stuff, everything holds up equally well provided you clean and maintain it properly. OK, rant over.
2) The balls you mentioned (Total Inferno, Vapor Zone) are very nice, but we'll need to know a bit more about you before we can truly suggest what you "should" get.
OK, you'll be bowling on the PBA patterns. Well, each of the five patterns demands something of a different look, so one ball will probably not suffice for all of them. What do you currently have in the bag? Knowing this will help us to see on what conditions you may be lacking options.
Also, please do your best to provide us with specs on your ball speed, rev rate, preferred angles of attack, etc, etc. This is also needed in order to tell you what ball or balls might work best for you.
In general, both the Vapor and Total are fairly versatile pieces of gear, so either one should at least give you some degree of usability on most of the patterns. Still, in order to truly be of help to you, more info is needed.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345