Can't really blame the Time-Zone for PBIII's breaks or lack thereof. He struck on every ball he threw well. Ringing corner pins and swish 7-10's are breakpoint and/or rotation issues. I'm sure PBIII would be the first one to tell you that. Lefties seem more prone to these. Although I'm not an expert or a lefty, it's probably due to the fact that they are usually playing more outside lines than the righties, making a late breakpoint a bigger problem. The whiffed 7 pin was the shocker. The whiffed 6 pin came after the match was over, so it didn't really mean diddly. Pretty good telecast overall. It was nice to see a ball reference made. As much money as the companies are paying for registration, every ball used should get a mention, along with the layout, and the 'probable' reasons the player selected the ball and layout. If the PBA wants to educate the bowling public about the difficulties and intricacies and subleties of the game, this would be a GREAT thing to start doing on a regular basis.
Edited on 10/26/2003 3:27 PM