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Author Topic: Viva la Absolute...  (Read 1064 times)


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Viva la Absolute...
« on: April 04, 2005, 02:46:09 PM »
It's tough to write a review on a ball when you've only thrown one practice session with it and 4 league games, but after tonight's league session where I threw 278-278-222 for a 778 series with this ball, it's hard to stop praising. Very forgiving when errant shots are thrown in the oil and also doesn't break too hard when you get it to the dry too early. Excellent for people who can keep up on their speed and change hand releases accordingly. Had two strings of 12+ strikes tonight (14 between end of game one and start of game two, 12 at the end of game two and beginning of game three). Left a pocket 7-10 in frame 9, game three which dashed all hopes of my first 800 series...

Viva la Absolute.....


Edited on 4/4/2005 11:47 PM



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Re: Viva la Absolute...
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2005, 10:50:36 PM »
Nice shooting! I love mine too, but I haven't put up NEAR those numbers!

Ben W.


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Re: Viva la Absolute...
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2005, 12:39:08 PM »
Polished, you can spray the lanes even more insanely.