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Author Topic: Pin placement for a Scorchin?  (Read 1161 times)


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Pin placement for a Scorchin?
« on: March 28, 2006, 01:45:21 PM »
Im a med rev and speed tweener and picked up a Scorchin for my most aggressive ball.  I dont see floods much, and mainly got this ball to handle longer flatter patterns and more oil than my OI or Smokin will deal with.  As my only non pearl ball I dont want this ball to go too long but have a nice steady arc with a continous drive.  A stacked leverage drill was suggested but im not sure how high up to put the pin.  Ive been told pin even with the ring can be jumpy and hard to control and a pin below the ring will roll out.  That leaves pin over the ring, but I hesitate to do that as I want this ball to roll earlier and not go too long.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.




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Re: Pin placement for a Scorchin?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 10:15:54 PM »
Thanks for the reply, im throwing it right around 16 mph right now.


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Re: Pin placement for a Scorchin?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 10:23:22 PM »
I've got mine wiht the pin under the ring finger, and the cg kicked out a little as stated above.  I haven't had a problem with it rolling out.  In fact it's a nice, controllable arc on fresh oiled conditions.  I do throw it with quite a bit of hand, and at 18mph, so you cna adjust as necessary.  I was throwing it standing right around center, and swinging it out to about the 8 board, and it came right back in.  I've thrown it once so far, with a 279 the 2nd game, and I love it as my new heavy oil ball.  It's my first Inferno, BTW, so I really can't commpare it against the others.