quote:15# NIB Crown Jewel Gold Flake
quote:http://brunsnick.com/gems/goldrhinopro.jpgEat your hearts out!--------------------Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNickBrunswick -=- PBA 03-08http://www.BrunsNick.comhttp://www.AskTheBowler.comhttp://www.BigBapparel.comFriends don't let friends drink the Kool-Aid!
quote:quote:15# NIB Crown Jewel Gold FlakeWhich one is the ball in the movie Kingpin? Gold Rhino Pro or Crown Jewel Gold Flake?Has anyone got a pic of Crown Jewel Gold Flake? I don't think I've even seen one.Thanks.--------------------I'm a THS hack and a ball junkie.
quote:NIB Crown Jewel Gold Flake my friend has one in his shop.
quote:The ball from Kingpin is a Rhino plastic ball.