so i bowl at JIB lanes for my highschool team. Not sure if it will be like this when the season starts but for now you never know weather to expect lanes with oil, or lanes that havent been oiled since the morning before (extreme toast). Usually i get the extreme toast. Now i use my plastic ball for this. If i throw it normally with my usual rev's, it hooks at like 20 feet and is at the 4 or 7 pin by the time its at the pins, and BTW, i started at the right hand gutter and anywhere else on the lane, it always hooks a ton. I can also throw the ball with no revs at all and only forward roll but then the ball is tracking over my thimb and it thuds and i cant get any type of move to the pockt and i get bad carry.
Well, my question is, If my plastic ball (big blue spare) is over hooking on toast, with the Power Groove Dry/R also over hook since its a mild reactive which is more aggressive than a plastic ball?
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%