@massbowler: sorry but as said above, it is not the Navy Quantum because the "proactive" engraving is missing on mine.
@murf622: As I said a friend of mine threw it today and the ball hardly moved and there was also no real flare. So I guess you are right, it's only the spare ball.

That's bad and I thought I had a nice treasure in my hands...
The problem is that I thought it could be the Mighnight Blue Quantum because the differential on that ball is also pretty low and the cover is not that strong that is why I thought it could possibly be the midnight blue-version.
If anyone else wants to give his/her input to confirm that it's the spare ball it would be cool but I am pretty much certain now that it is the spare quantum because of the missing pin and so on, the fact that it does not flare and because of the length the ball had when thrown with 500 revs^^
Thanks to all of you trying to help me out with this one!
Edited on 2/10/2009 4:45 PM