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Author Topic: plugging versa-max  (Read 3143 times)


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plugging versa-max
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:50:11 PM »
My local pro shop guy is having trouble plugging the thumb hole in this ball for me. He has tried twice now and the ball plug material hardens real fast like ten minutes, and the plug material looks cracked or just not right, wondering if it could have something to with the c system design or any thoughts on why this is happening would be appreciated. I should mention that he plugged three balls at the same time and my versa is the only one to act like this.



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Re: plugging versa-max
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 10:36:09 AM »

Ive never seen ball plug react differently b/c of the ball.The ball plug is mixed at a specific ratio.I have seen if you do to many pumps at once the plug can react very quickly.If he made enough plug for 3 or 4 balls that could be the problem.I highly doubt the ball its self is causing the problem.


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Re: plugging versa-max
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 01:46:06 PM »
Setting up in 10 min? Quick plug is tough to work with on a lot of equip if there is a lot of oil absorption. It heats so fast that it draws the oil to the edges and you lose a good bond. It looks like a halo around the edge of the plug. What brand of plug is being used?


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Re: plugging versa-max
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2012, 01:56:49 PM »

Sounds like he's put too much hardener in the mix. Don't use quick plug, just the regular stuff.  Then, if the hole is fairly large plug half at a time. The larger the area, the hotter the mix becomes, thus setting up too quickly and cracking occurs.

I was reminded of that a few weeks ago, while plugging another ball. I had completely drilled out my thumb insert, so the hole was good sized. Then, forgetting about the above, I plugged the whole thing. Next day the cracking at the top of the newly plugged area.  Drilled halfway out, re-plugged and it was fine.

It really has nothing to do with the particular ball, because I've had it happen to balls from all manufacturers.  It's the method. 


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Re: plugging versa-max
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 08:27:44 PM »
Strange but I have had similar results using too little hardener.

Also, I plugged a ball and left it outside to get direct sunlight and heat. It heated so fast that it looked like a volcano explosion around the hole.  8)  The material left in the hole had cracks in it. It did dry fast.