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Author Topic: PowerKoil22 coverstock, how similar to PK18, or is this a little stronger?  (Read 1469 times)


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Just picked up a NIB 15# Bionic Zone 2 for im4x4nut(great service, btw), and was hoping to put a nice dose of polish on this ball.  I used to have a Blueberry c/2 that was factory polished and was hoping that this would match up as nicely.  I loved the way the ball was smooth off of the buff and really drove through the hole with some authority.  I was planning on drilling this 5x4 after putting about half a gallon of polish on it, any additional input or 411 would be great!
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This is a mystery... every now and then, this question pops up in the forum concerning international balls - but there is no reply yet. I also thought about getting a BZII as a heavy oil ball, but until now, noboby (either in this forum, nor from other personal contacts) was able to tell the difference between these two coverstocks, or what the differences might be. Sad, sad... Probably, we will NEVER know for sure?

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Pk 22 is stronger, used in the Smart Zone 2 and Explosion Zone 2 , all international balls.