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Author Topic: Praise for the Frenzy  (Read 1094 times)

Phillip Marlowe

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Praise for the Frenzy
« on: December 24, 2003, 03:08:24 AM »
I tried a Frenzy when they first came out and had a positive reaction to it -- it was the best Brunswick ball I had tried.  My wife and I got matching Frenzys recently (it was the only ball I could think of that both of us could use -- me somewhat more heavy-handed and her somewhat speed and rev-challenged), and I have to say, this is the most forgiving pearl I have seen, by far the best pearl for overblocked wet-dries I have used.  As someone who has generally not particularly liked stuff from the Big B, I have to recommend this ball as one that just about anyone can use -- and use very successfully.  Good length, good recovery, forgiving left, right, long and short. I am quite impressed.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Edited on 12/24/2003 7:07 PM
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."



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Re: Praise for the Frenzy
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2003, 09:21:56 PM »
this ball was VERY underrated---it really surprised me the first time i threw it. it worked well for me.