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Author Topic: Pro Shop Drillers  (Read 6198 times)

Mike James

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Pro Shop Drillers
« on: January 14, 2007, 12:16:24 AM »

 Why do most (especially around here)...drillers,...look at layouts above and to the right of ring finger, stacked as lining up pin and mass bias, etc etc...but don't give a hoot about PAP (positive axis point)???...every time i've had a ball drilled here...they take the measurements but never ask about PAP....unless i say something about it.....thats why most balls, you will not get the most out of them unless you tweak coverstock,etc....When i go the USBC tournament every yr, i get a ball drilled there instead...THEY KNOW HOW TO LAY OUT A BALL!!! to my PAP.....if your driller doesn't or doesn't know how...go elsewhere....i've had to get a new ball replugged after 2 practice games while comparing an old and new ball (same ball)....does it make sense to polish an agressives ball coverstock that you wanted for oily lanes becasue it won't flip?...what do you think?



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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 09:20:54 AM »
I can not say this is TRUE for all drillers, but I have experienced a few things since moving to Florida.

In New Jersey, California and Maine, I never had a driller ask me about my PAP or find it before drilling a new ball. I moved to Florida just over a year ago and since then I have had more then one driller talk about PAP.

Maybe this is something new and they are now realizing that it will help them layout a ball. Some might not be convinced that it actually helps lay out a ball.

Before I get ripped for being an idiot, I am going to say that this is just an opinion. Could be way off, but it might also be the reason some do not worry about it.




Mike James

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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 11:37:24 AM »

 I can tell you from fact...that if a driller doesn't use or know your PAP...your not getting the most out of the ball.....these balls nowadays have very certain characteristics that make it a good ball for the style and lanes your hoping to use it on and doing what its suppose to do...another fact...i've had balls drilled up at the USBC tournament and 2 ball drillers were so amazed at the layout that they had to put it on the scale and check everything...the only thing really noticable was that the access hole was near the thumb quadrant and not at mid line grip as most of them will do

Mike James

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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 12:28:10 PM »


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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 12:30:55 PM »
Okie Dokie!
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
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Nick Smith
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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 01:22:02 PM »
It's possible that they simply don't share all that info while they're doing the layout.  Experts frequently have more information rattling around in their heads than comes out of their mouths.  It may look to you like he's doing "pin over the fingers with the CG kicked right" and that may be what he describes to you (not knowing whether "5x4" or "PAP" means anything to you).  But in his head, he knows that putting the pin over the bridge means 5" because your PAP is about 5" over.  5", 5 1/4", 4 3/4", really will it make a difference if he measures it out with a ruler?

That was my experience when I got my last ball drilled.  The first time I went to him, he looked at my existing equipment and determined my PAP.  The second time he didn't mention PAP at all, though he did pull my card to check my specs.



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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 01:28:07 PM »
if they do not care about your pap run far away as fast as you Can. any serious ball driller will want to be as precise and informed as possible.
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Mike James

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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2007, 01:48:20 PM »

 Yes it matters if he uses a ruler....i want an exact or the closes to my PAP as guessing games please...and what about an access hole?...just place it anywhere?...if they don't go by my PAP...then the ball more times than not will not react the way i wanted it to for that particluar house shot, etc


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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2007, 02:11:58 PM »
hi mike,

imho, i believe that the pro shop operators/drillers that you speak of either don't know/understand the importance of pap, pin to pap, m/b placement, etc...
or don't think that it's of any importance.  sadly, there are more than a few operators in my area that will "...just punch three holes in a ball and see you out the door."  i also think that attitude and belief has an influence on their abilities.  as such, a driller in a neighboring city stated to me "i don't need to know any of that stuff.  i already know how to layout and drill a ball.  i've been in business for twelve years, i guess i'm doing something right?!"

most of my customers have pap, tilt and speed measurements in their file folders and in the computer data base.  if it's a first time customer, either myself or my assistant will watch them bowl to gather the pertinent imformation needed.  the only possible exception is with the "open play" bowler who is looking to purchase a polyester ball.  with the "first time" customer i will locate their pap with them watching me.  nine out of ten times it will generate question(s) and justify my service, knowledge and prices.

i feel very strongly about practicing and enforcing the above techniques.  if i'm commanding a certain price(s) for my service, then the customer should get back the same in return whether or not they know, understand or even care about what i'm doing.

hope this help.



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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2007, 05:42:38 PM »
In defense of the pro shop guys, maybe they don't ask because of the dumb looks they get from people when they do ask the questions. Maybe they are figuring that if someone knows their PAP, axis tilt, etc. they will provide the information when they present the ball they are looking to be drilled.

From all the reading I have done here and other places online, when I go to the proshop I ask for the quarter scale and do the layout myself. Not as an insult but because I can and it takes a little bit of guesswork away from them. They don't mind if i do it. After the ball is layed out I hand it to them and they drill it. It's actually pretty funny when someone comes in asking about bowling balls and they see me laying my next ball out and they want to know what I am doing.
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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2007, 06:01:23 PM »
If I were you I would find a new pro shop that WILL check your PAP, axis rotation, axis tilt and ball speed, which you are obviously aware will determine which ball and which layout will give you the ball reasction you are looking for.  I would look for a pro shop that is IBPSIA certified.

Mike James

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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2007, 06:59:08 PM »
 Thanks for the suggestions and will keep them in mind...but it still amazes me how you fork over 200+ dollars for a ball and they give you around a 4x5 drilling, or a 5x4 drilling and thats too any person regardless if there a stroker,cranker, etc...with different ball speeds...i'm not saying all do this but more do than not...I have 4 ball drillers around here and i won't go to any of them...i get mine online with great results...I have alot of people i know that get new balls and there unhappy with it unless they tweak the cover considerably...would you buy a high price pearlized ball and have to sand it down to 400 grit?...maybe the drillers don't have time to analyze every one buying a ball...but at least ask some questions to give the bowler the best bang for his buck...but no one has answered this question....why do drillers are in such shock when they see a ball drilled from the guys at the Nationals?...its rather quite obvious


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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2007, 10:26:45 PM »
Okay, second attempt at replying to this:

Also, I don't have access to a shop on the lanes - they are all a mile or more from the lanes, so there is no option of watching me bowl.

When I got my first ball drilled, I took my ball from eBay in to get it drilled.  They measured me up and asked what I wanted the ball to do.  I told them I was just returning to bowling and starting to throw fingertip and wanted something that would hook.

They laid the ball out basic label - pin above and right of ring, and CG in the grip center.  Ball hooked and I was happy.

I as became more knowledgable (thanks to this site) and started to buy more balls (new and used...again, thanks to this site!), I would go back and ask questions about PAP.  Basically those questions were ignored.

For new balls, I would look at the drilling sheet and pick out the reaction I was looking for.  Basically the shop would lay it out like the picture.

A few times I would just say "make it hook" and they would say "okay, we'll stack it, but it will need a weight hole."

I clean my stuff after every bowling session, so I don't know if that makes it difficult for them to look and see my style.

I found a new driller and told him as much as I knew about my game - speed, revs, and I'm a high tracker.  I asked about finding my PAP and basically was told that they need to see me bowl, or have something that they can see a track or oil line.  

The new driller has been more willing to work with me as far as layouts, reactions and building an arsenal.  Main concern is getting me a good fit first, but then we will work on the equipment.

I guess the main problem will all of this is that I basically bowl at no more than 3 different houses - no tournaments.....just a basic THS.  That really makes it hard to really lay stuff out when your customer sees the same thing all the time....I can understand why a "generic" layout is given to most people.
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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2007, 12:57:24 AM »


Many shops simply don't have the time to take every bowler's specs.  Yeah you can have the 15-20 regulars whom you know their style and specs, have measured their PAP at least once and can reccommend drillings based off that measurment.  But what about every other bowler who comes in for that one ball a year.  There is no way I can take even 1/3 of my customers down to the lanes to see them bowl and take their PAP measurments.  

Don't get me wrong i'd love to be able to do that for my customers because many would actually benefit from the added information.  But then many would also dismiss my attempts to take measurments and watch them bowl as me being arrogant and telling them what they should do and how they should bowl.  They are the ones in charge of their game and I let them be drilling bals how they ask me to.

Have you actually seen some of the yahoo's that come into proshops telling us how to layout their balls.  Stack this, leverage that, strong this, long and strong that, 1/4oz.side, 1/2oz. side, 3/4oz. side.  Half the stuff people want is not relevant to current ball technology.  So when we cater to what the people want we get them coming back saying this ball won't hook on our short, dry house shot.  Well, a 3 3/8 stacked with a big hole Awesome Hook won't be awesome on a toasty house shot.  

When we don't cater to people and apply the right drillings on the right coverstocks with the right cores for people we get many coming back saying "you drilled this wrong," "why do I have a hole?" "I don't usually have the pin here."  And there's really no way out of this; even when those balls are working.  Yeah we can get lucky and convince the bowler to get a coverstock that matches up better but who knows if that'll happen.  

As far as only laying out balls according to one's axis point; that's a little deep off the anal retentive end.  If that's how you feel comfortable laying out your equipment then by all means keep it up, but like others have said that 1/4" difference of length from pin to axis is not going to have a huge bearing on the reaction you get.  If you feel it does, like I said, more power to you and I hope you can find a drilling that will cater to your requests.  I would be one of them.  I would feel miffed as you do about certain drillers not laying out a ball without your PAP measurments in mind; but unless you have a less common low track or short PAP, 4 3/4 or less, than most generic drills will work with surface prep.  

The hard part of this whole situation is that bowlers like you are far and few between. I think that is the main reason all balls aren't laid out according to a bowler's PAP.  It's just not absolutely necessary to the average bowler that comes into the shop.

I have a few questions for you though...

Why do you not have a favorite driller that you go to?  Is there really no one around you that can lay out a ball around your PAP?

Where is it that you are getting your stuff drilled?
-"but don't give a hoot about PAP (positive axis point)???...every time i've had a ball drilled here...they take the measurements but never ask about PAP....unless i say something about it....."

Why would you not give your PAP measurments to a new driller if you have them?  It's like you're setting up the driller to fail when you kinda know he's not going to ask.

Why is the USBC so much better in you're opinion?  (really, i've seen good and bad there, just want to here your ideas)

And finally, what's wrong with changing the coverstock of a ball?  It's the most important factor on any ball.  The coverstock is what's getting you to the pocket.  If the ball's not getting to the pocket than no drilling you put on it will help.

Please don't take any of this as an attack at you.  I really respect your dedication to laying out your equipment, but someone had to defend the proshops and give their side of the layout story.


PS - I think I just misspelled layed/laid wrong the entire time...oh well.

*...Got the 5 out clean!

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Mike James

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Re: Pro Shop Drillers
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2007, 07:05:22 AM »

 Backswingaplenty, I actually agree with everything you said...well most of it...first of all the drillers at the USBC doesn't need to see me bowl...they look at the track or rings on preferably less agressive ball and they can tell the style of my game...i would then tell them what i wanted the ball to do(by the way i would pick a ball that would come close to matching what i wanted it to do) no longer than an hr (and i've seen this)...the ball has more markings on it than a chinese road map.....yea very true the coverstock is very important...but why should i have to polish the heck out of...lets say an Epic Battle because it won't flip on a normal house shot? (1st one did when comparing both balls).....the 4 drillers nearby here are all the same...I guess i need to keep looking further....but my point really is...why don't these 4 drillers charge lets say 20% less for balls and drillings since i'm not getting 100% of the balls capabilities?