This is the 21st century...
Golfers have no problem with the fact that just about ALL GOLF CLUBS are made in or near
China...And have been since the middle 90's...
Now as for the sticker. I real don't care for it... I don't feel there is a need to say that...
You don't see Tayler or Callaway saying, "designed in America, made in china"...
IMO, when people say they won't buy Brunswick because they are made in Mexico, these people
probably never liked Brunswick in the first place...
And I wonder what make of car they drive???
And where were the shoes they wear made???
And where were the clothes they wear made???
And that includes their underwear...
Just about all made overseas...
So when someone says, they won't use Brunswick because they are made in Mexico, that just
doesn't fly...Unless the ride a bike to work and live in a nudist colony... and don't watch TV...
Right now Brunswick has rebates to the consumer and rebates to the pro shop...
Never been a better time to buy!!!!!
And the feedback on their line has been Good...