Landiscr & Charlest, thanks for the quick replies and for explaining to me the differences between particle and pearl balls. I however think that there might be more to this than just an issue of matching the ball to the condition, partly because I forgot to mention a few things in my first post, and I apologise for that.
First off, I think the conditions that day was more like *medium-length oil with some carrydown*...pretty oily conditions IMO. And no, I'm pretty sure than the RI was NOT 'burning' or rolling out (I am familiar with the characteristics, but that wasn't happening that day). The length it got was just slightly less than the Inferno, about 1-2 feet at the most.
Is it really impossible for particle balls to have as much *backend* hook as reactives? I am puzzled by this because I have in the past bought particle balls that, when new, behaved very much like the reactive balls. One example I can think of was when I first bought a Freak (the one before the freak-out). I left it in box condition (dull) and threw it on a similar condition. The ball flared over 4 inches and literally ROARED into the pocket 'inferno-style'

Bear in mind that this ball was drilled the same as the inferno and was DULL!
Would shining up the RI be a good idea if I wanted to increase its backend hook? (Length is not an issue for now).
I'm also curious to find out from the fellow-RI users of this forum about their thoughts on their RI. Did it flare and/or snap alot? What were your drilling layouts?
Finally, how correct (or wrong) is it to say that flare is positively correlated to backend hook?
Edited on 8/29/2003 3:38 AM