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Author Topic: Problems with my raging inferno.  (Read 2311 times)


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Problems with my raging inferno.
« on: August 28, 2003, 10:33:02 AM »
A few days ago I bought a Raging Inferno and had it drilled it up the same way as my original Orange Inferno (Pin at 2 o'clock from the Ring Finger & CG directly vertically below the CG, with the pin-to-CG distance being about 4 inches). A deep sidehole was also drilled at the PAP.
When I threw the RI on medium conditions with relatively clean backends the reaction I got was just unusual to me: medium length followed by a rather moderate (but I wouldn't say strong or continuous) arc. The amount of flare I got from this ball judging from the visible oil rings only was only about 2 inches wide and much closer to the finger and thumb holes than most of my other balls...i.e. it was flaring like a plastic ball, and my original Inferno had a 3-4 inch flare when I threw it the same way on the same condition. But whats most puzzling is the overall hook of both balls: They were about the same. The inferno skidded slightly further than the RI but snapped alot harder whereas the RI had an earlier and more 'lethargic' backend reaction. Needless to say, I left less corner pins with the original inferno than the RI because of the sharper entry angle I got.

How can 2 balls with the same pin-distance and drilled the same way have such a great difference? I thought the RI was supposed to have a much stronger reaction and greater overall hook potential than the original inferno? Bear in mind that my original inferno has over 200 games on it and has long lost its original backend reaction.

Lets just say that I'm also obsessed with having equipment that flare big, probably because of my lack of hand. If I wanted to increase the flare potential of my RI, what drilling should I give it?



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Re: Problems with my raging inferno.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2003, 01:51:07 AM »
Hey there, I would have your local proshop guy watch you.  In my experience sometimes when a ball you would expect to hook more than another isn't, it may be because that more aggresive ball is "burning up" or "rolling out" and therefore not finishing.  So the total amount of hook looks the same for both balls but it may be because their is not enough oil to be throwing the RI.

I noticed that you mentioned that your weight hole was on your PAP.  Weight holes drilled off PAP (like a half inch past or so) will help increase flare.

Good luck.
View my list of used balls.


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Re: Problems with my raging inferno.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2003, 02:32:48 AM »
Pearls vs Particle 101:

You should not expect the Raging Inferno to hook more than the Inferno on the same oil pattern. If it is "burning itself up" early in the heads and/or midlane, it will hook less and flare less overall. Check the 2 balls' specs; the RI has a lower RG differential, so it will flare less even when used on oil patterns appropriate for its use. The RI needs more oil to work properly. It is an OILER, at least more of an oiler than the Inferno. So, if the Inferno is working properly on an oil pattern, then you don't need to even try the RI.

When you have enough oil, you should find the RI turning fairly hard for an ball that likes/needs oil. For such a ball, one that likes oil, you will rarely find a snappy backend. On the other hand, an Inferno is almost defined by its snappier backend; that is the nature of a pearl.
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Re: Problems with my raging inferno.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2003, 03:22:48 AM »
Landiscr & Charlest, thanks for the quick replies and for explaining to me the differences between particle and pearl balls. I however think that there might be more to this than just an issue of matching the ball to the condition, partly because I forgot to mention a few things in my first post, and I apologise for that.

First off, I think the conditions that day was more like *medium-length oil with some carrydown*...pretty oily conditions IMO. And no, I'm pretty sure than the RI was NOT 'burning' or rolling out (I am familiar with the characteristics, but that wasn't happening that day). The length it got was just slightly less than the Inferno, about 1-2 feet at the most.

Is it really impossible for particle balls to have as much *backend* hook as reactives? I am puzzled by this because I have in the past bought particle balls that, when new, behaved very much like the reactive balls. One example I can think of was when I first bought a Freak (the one before the freak-out). I left it in box condition (dull) and threw it on a similar condition. The ball flared over 4 inches and literally ROARED into the pocket 'inferno-style' Bear in mind that this ball was drilled the same as the inferno and was DULL!

Would shining up the RI be a good idea if I wanted to increase its backend hook? (Length is not an issue for now).

I'm also curious to find out from the fellow-RI users of this forum about their thoughts on their RI. Did it flare and/or snap alot? What were your drilling layouts?

Finally, how correct (or wrong) is it to say that flare is positively correlated to backend hook?


Edited on 8/29/2003 3:38 AM