I'm confused by your wording of further away. IF "further away from the PAP the PSA is "
I believe your statement is incorrect. The further away the PSA is from the PAP the less the midlane. (if you meant further away from grip then I have incorrectly read your statement and you are right)
The strongest PSA position is "strong" about 1 1/2 inches from thumb. Combines medium midlane and big backend move..
Further away from thumb and near PAP leads to a lot of midlane and an archy backend or "rolly".
A PSA near the thumb reduces midlane the most on these strong mass bias balls.
It is only the strong mass bias on these balls tha that can cause negative flaring and this CAN happen for some bowlers when the mass bias is out near the track on the negative side! FOR very strong mass bias balls. Like the Zone series, the shock and awe series at Morich and the Triples from Storm.
Other more moderate mass bias balls CAN have the mass bias out on the track. And certainly this is done all the time in symmetric balls thru drillings called label leverage.
Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year! Don't bowl me the second two games though! (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)