I got a purple pearl online from ebay about 2 months ago and drilled it up. I put a basic label drilling on it. I am left handed so the pin is about 1" to the left of my ring finger hole, and the CG is about a half inch down and a half inch left of center grip.
I have about average speed, medium-high revs, and usually a 90 degree axis rotation, but I can cut it down to about 60 or so now if I have to. Anyways, I bought this purple pearl in hopes of it becoming my main medium oil ball. So far it has just been awful for me. I think it has to do with my axis rotation. As of now, when it breaks, it makes almost a complete right hand turn at the sight of oil. When there is a little bit of oil on the backends, this thing won't move. The turn is so severe it will almost always go brooklyn no matter how deep I am playing. I have yet to find a consistent line to hit the pocket. I have tried throwing it really hard, with a lot less revs and less axis rotation, but it still comes back at way too much of an angle. The few times I have been awake enough, and the oil is long enough, for me to throw it fast enough to break later, it comes in at such an angle it almost always leaves a standing 8. The ball is not deflecting off the 5 pin to take out the 8. Instead, the ball just hooks and drives straight through the 5.
So my question is, how do I fix this? Could this just be a bad ball to player style match up? Or can I just plug and redrill it? And if I can, what kind of drilling pattern should I use? If I do redrill it, would it roll over the plugs?
Or should I try and put a flare reduced weight hole in it?
Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
PS First time throwing my new inferno drilled with a 4x3 on heavy enough oil this morning, and wow, I am impressed. Too bad my purple pearl can't do on medium oil what my inferno can on medium to heavy.
Edited on 9/6/2003 4:41 PM