Absolute Inferno <--- Layout With 600 Grit Green Scotch Brite Finish
234-192-179 = 605
the decreasing scores are no coincidence
the less oil this ball had to work with, the softer it hit from rolling out.
but when this thing has oil, forget it, it really crushes.
i swear i heard a pin snap on a strike in the first game.
i didnt think there was a ball that hit harder than my Original Inferno but the Absolute has taken its place.
when i start leaving 10's on solid hits and see the ball deflect off the pocket then i know it's time for the Original Inferno.
the 600 grit finish makes it cut through more oil, better mid lane and a really hard arc to the pocket, not snappy or jumpy, just a pronounced move.
The rollout isnt too bad when you start treading in medium oil, just enough to leave 10 pins to let you know its time to switch.
i think the green scotch brite finish is perfect for this ball to match up with med/heavy oil.