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Author Topic: quality control  (Read 3571 times)


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quality control
« on: July 10, 2009, 01:36:27 PM »
i was at the pro shop i use in kansas city today and was looking over his inventory of brunswick bowling balls. i randomly picked 10 balls from his inventory in the back----reactive and plastic. i opened each box and he and i carefully scrutinized each ball for quality control( application of polish, evenness of sanding lines, pins, cg's, psa's, etc. ). each and every ball passed with flying colors. the polished balls were evenly glossy and shiny. the dull balls were all evenly sanded. all colors and logos were as they should be. while i was there i looked over the siege, rattler, and t-zone he had ordered for me. they were just as good if not better. i'll be drilling up these balls in several weeks and if they roll half as good as they look i'm in for quite a treat.



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Re: quality control
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 09:53:39 PM »
That's great to hear! I know the Big B stuff I've drilled for others/myself have all been 1st quality.

I understand that each manufacturer will have it's share of blems/seconds, what have you. I hope they get labeled as such and not passed on the the consumer as first quality products.


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Re: quality control
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 08:59:08 AM »
Wow Greg, go to the other forums on this board and you won't see a single Questionable Quality post, you Brunswick people sure are on the defensive!
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

With a lot of people complaining about the "lack" of quality control at Brunswick why not report this. It's no different then in the Ebonite forum people complaining about ball death and others jumping in and saying they have never had a problem. I would not call this being defensive at all. Sounds like a great post to me. Just letting others know that at least of the equipment he looked at there was no problem. I will also say that since the move I have not seen a single problem with any Brunswick equipment.


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Re: quality control
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 09:41:28 AM »

  I'm not a Brunswick basher, heck, for a while it's all I threw, especially after my only 800 with an INFERNO.

  That being said, I want to pose this question: You took a random sampling of only 10 balls ( out of THOUSANDS produced ), already at a shop ( so they already passed their respective QC checks at the factory ), and found them all satisfactory.  From this, you have surmised that Brunswick's quality control issues have been solved?

  Brunswick USED TO BE one of the best, highest quality pieces of equipment you could buy. Quality control was good, standards were high, and you hardly EVER found a Brunswick second. Since their move to Mexico though, things just haven't been the same.

  Like I said, no bashing here, just passing on what I've seen and heard.  I truly hope you are correct in your sampling, and that the problems are being ironed out, but to deny they ever existed would be futile.

  I know anytime you undertake as drastic a move and restructure of your manufacturing facility as Brunswick has that problems will arise, not only from the new equipment, but from the training and abilities of the new employees. Many times, these things take time to work out.

  It is time for Brunswick to recapture the quality, respect, and reputation that they once garnered in the industry.  From the LT-48, through the Rhinos, Zones, and Infernos, Brunswick was a leader and I would like to see them return to what they were before.

  Good luck with your new stuff. If they are as good as you say, you may well be in for that treat you spoke of.
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Re: quality control
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2009, 09:41:57 AM »
my report had nothing to do with being defensive.......since no one had been offensive towards me. my report was informational for those of us who regularly buy brunswick and for those who may be interested.


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Re: quality control
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2009, 11:16:25 AM »
If Brunswick does have quality control problems, so what? Just keep buying from your proshop so they can return it as easy as that.

I will continue to exclusively buy Brunswick. In my opinion, they are still top performance pieces. I would put the performance of either of my Smash Zones (a buy that supposedly didn't sell too well) against any other pearl ball in the market when it comes to versatility.

Quality control? Who cares. It'll get better eventually.

Just expressing my opinion. I'm not really replying to any poster on this thread lol.
- Brian


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Re: quality control
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2009, 05:02:00 PM »
there are several people who have come here and have made remarks that i hadn't even dreamed of when i made my first post.

juggernaut, yes i only checked 10 balls. i have a full time job and a wife and do not have time to go through the entire inventory at my pro shop let alone the local distributor. i have never received a brunswick ball where quality control was a problem..... good,clean living maybe ? a reputable pro shop and distributor ? i can only report on what i've seen. i'm sorry for those who haven't had my kind of luck. then again, maybe they don't have an issue with their lower back like i do.....i guess it's a tradeoff.

drrev2000, there's the difference. you checked 3 pages deep to find out some info. i checked 0 pages and merely posted something off the top of my head after returning from the pro shop. shame on that computer for being near the front door !

people on this website are welcome to question anything they please. by the way, did i mention the mexican-made wild ride i threw today came out of the box looking great ? it also rolled as great as i had hoped.


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Re: quality control
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 12:01:15 PM »
The brunswick balls i have been lately recieving have been great, no QC problems finally.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
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Re: quality control
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2009, 07:25:29 AM »
Putting a Brunswick arsenal together for the fall and haven't seen any QC problems. Top notch so far.
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Re: quality control
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2009, 10:40:43 AM »

  I'm not a Brunswick basher, heck, for a while it's all I threw, especially after my only 800 with an INFERNO.

  That being said, I want to pose this question: You took a random sampling of only 10 balls ( out of THOUSANDS produced ), already at a shop ( so they already passed their respective QC checks at the factory ), and found them all satisfactory.  From this, you have surmised that Brunswick's quality control issues have been solved?

  Brunswick USED TO BE one of the best, highest quality pieces of equipment you could buy. Quality control was good, standards were high, and you hardly EVER found a Brunswick second. Since their move to Mexico though, things just haven't been the same.

  Like I said, no bashing here, just passing on what I've seen and heard.  I truly hope you are correct in your sampling, and that the problems are being ironed out, but to deny they ever existed would be futile.

  I know anytime you undertake as drastic a move and restructure of your manufacturing facility as Brunswick has that problems will arise, not only from the new equipment, but from the training and abilities of the new employees. Many times, these things take time to work out.

  It is time for Brunswick to recapture the quality, respect, and reputation that they once garnered in the industry.  From the LT-48, through the Rhinos, Zones, and Infernos, Brunswick was a leader and I would like to see them return to what they were before.

  Good luck with your new stuff. If they are as good as you say, you may well be in for that treat you spoke of.
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein

This is not a bash fest on Brunswick, love my balls, will keep drilling them, and would sell them too:

To me, Brunswick has always had quality issues.  The bowling center that my shop was in used to be a BRC center until they sold it off to the local investor group.  Every month we got a close out and seconds list.  It had 100's of balls on it.  The owners of the bowl gave that list to me, and I bought balls off there from time to time.  

I can remember one month there were like 500 something "miscolored" Attitude 3's.  How do you have a miscolor on one of the craziest, ugliest colored balls made?  How do you get hundreds of them?  This is just one example, there were many others, those reports were 6-8 pages every month, updated.

Nobody (consumer) ever questioned Brunswick's quality control then, because it was "controlled".  The blems never made it out of the factory as firsts.  They were sold as "blems" and spread out all over the country.  Blems were not prominent until say a was able to buy all of them and mass market them.  Now it's a common happening, buying blems, seconds, miscolors, mislabels, "pro pins", "pro cgs", whatever.  

My point is there have always been mistakes.  A few mistakes get out as firsts and suddenly the Mexican guys don't know how to make bowling balls.  With the internet, it gets blown up bigger and faster than in years past.  There are always growing pains with any new facility and processes.  "I" knew it would take some time to get the kinks worked out.  Hell, when BrunsBob took me to tour the Michigan plant, they were still using machinery that was custom made in the 1920's!  They had to have parts custom made for these machines if anything broke, and that had to be expensive.  This new plant was new for everybody, the Mexicans, and the Americans, there would be glitches no matter where it was located.

BTW, Drilled me a second Pearl Fury.  MONEY!!  That is one of the best balls I have ever had.  I would have sold a butt load of those if I had been in the pro shop business when it was out!!!!
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