win a ball from

Author Topic: Question...  (Read 809 times)


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« on: March 06, 2005, 04:22:25 AM »
If a ball is plugged twice how much performance does it lose, how much should resurfacing job usually cost and...  With these two balls that I just purchased, what can I expect from them.  I'm a medium rev bowler, and usually like up around 17-and throw ten.  I was thinking about getting the X-Factor polished, but wanted to see what you guys thought.  Or should I get the intense polished for dryer conditions? Please respond.  I'm lost here...

Intense Inferno
3" pin below the ring finger with the cg swung out. Single right hand drill. Span is 4 7/8". $60.00 shipped.

3" pin above and between the fingers with the cg out towards the pap. Fingers and thumb plugged twice. Span is 5". $25.00 shipped.