Well, I have allowed this ball to sit for about the last 2 years and since getting me a Total Inferno I figured I bring my OI out and see if it still has some pop left to it.. Shot 269 215 226 for 710 after lettin the ball sit for 2 years.. I now am considering buying one of the Remakes just to have a new one.. I only ave 208 in this league.
BTW: My Total Inferno is too strong for the house I was shooting at tonight.. 37ft shot with Out of Bounds outside the 1st arrow. But I don't want to change the surface *OOB* until I get a Fury. I use my TI for a 43ft shot on Wed.. Works wonders there..
Why Do We Fall Down? So We Can Learn To Pick Ourselves Up!
It Is Not Who We Are But What We Do That Defines Us.