i've got an II that i had redrilled, the cover was in pretty good condition and i had it drilled to go long but very aggressive in the back end, i had it dulled up for a while when i didn't have as many revs as i do now and it worked pretty well, right now i have it polished though. with it polished, when it hits the dry it just takes off at the break point and kills the pins but pull it and keep it in the oil and it'll slide, maybe leave a weak 10 but ya don't give up on the intense its a great ball i love mine and i've had a couple 279's with it
Age: 17
Average: 198
Favorite Brand: Track
List of Balls: Brunswick Intense Inferno, Track equation, Track Rule Delta 1, Track Rule GP2. All #15
High Score: 299
High Series: 723